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May 8, 2024
How Fertilizer Madness Sparked a Turd War and Turned Guano Into Gold
The story of the fertilizer wars is remarkably simple: Decade by decade, century over century, agriculture is in constant flux with few guarantees except change. Until the clock struck midnight, agriculture was gung-ho for guano. Chris Bennett takes you back to the 1800s during the height of the guano rush.

When a pair of sisters set out to help the family farm, they didn’t think they’d end up on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list. On the debut of Grow Getters, a podcast about ag’s most creative side hustles, they tell their story.

Pennsylvania's Painterland Sisters See Spectacular Success With “Side” Yogurt Business

The company is artificially inoculating tar spot in select field test plots this season to study how corn responds. Researchers say the work will help them advance tar spot tolerance for Dekalb and Channel products.

Bayer Ramps Up Its Tar Spot Research by Using a New Practice

Standing in a ditch drier than a saltine, Iowa landowner Dan Ward kicks at parched dirt. He cannot build a pond on his 420-acre farm property because government officials consider a dry depression that runs half-a-mile across the land, more than 100 miles from the nearest navigable river, to be “waters of the United States.”

Government Regulation Hits Rural Landowner As Feds Claim Dry Ditch Is “Waters of US”

You need to do what you need to do to make your life better. Is it really that simple? Ted Matthews, a mental health practitioner with Rural Minnesota Mental Health Support, told AgriTalk’s Chip Flory that far too many people hear mental health and immediately think mental illness.

Stop the “If Only This Would Happen” Game Now
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