TODAY'S TOP STORIES - September 30, 2017

How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years

By Thom Hartmann, AlterNet

Tax cuts initiate bubble economies, not true growth. READ MORE»

As Bad as the GOP Is, There Are Clear Signs It’s Only Going to Get Worse

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Alabama is likely to send a birther and anti-Muslim fanatic to the U.S. Senate. Can GOP leaders stem this tide? READ MORE»

Marijuana Is Now a Driving Engine of the American Economy

By Paul Armentano, AlterNet

From increased tax revenue to rising home prices, legalization is stimulating economic growth.  READ MORE»

White Nationalists Terrorize Houston Book Fair in Largest Show of Force Since Charlottesville

By Alex Reid Ross, AlterNet

Witnesses recall smoke bombs, Nazi salutes and chants of "blood and soil." READ MORE»

10 Upcoming Supreme Court Cases That Could Harm Our Democracy

By Paul Gordon, People For the American Way Foundation

Cases on gutting voting rights; labor, LGBTQ, immigrant and whistleblower protections; privacy and police searches. READ MORE»

Why a Librarian Rejected Melania’s Dr Seuss Books Donation

By Rachel Leah, Salon

The donation was for “National Read a Book Day,” but the librarian said, “nope, no thank you, no way.” READ MORE»

Good Riddance to Tom Price, Trumpcare's Snake Oil Salesman

By Rick Gell, AlterNet

Price was the smiling, sleazy point person of Republicans' effort to repeal and replace. READ MORE»

Nestlé Pays $200 a Year to Bottle Water Near Flint – Where Water Is Undrinkable

By Jessica Glenza, The Guardian

While Flint battles a water crisis, just two hours away the beverage giant pumps almost 100,000 times what an average Michigan resident uses into plastic bottles. READ MORE»

8 Warning Signs That Reveal the Dark Side of 'Clean Eating'

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

In some cases, the clean eating diet fad has led to severe eating disorders. READ MORE»

Trump Fan Attempts to Set Fire to Her Steelers Flag and Jersey—and Fails Miserably

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

“The only flag that is going to fly in my house anymore is the United States flag.” READ MORE»

Trump's Cruel Indifference to Puerto Rico

By Sonali Kolhatkar, Truthdig

The president’s slow response to the unfolding humanitarian crisis reflects the whims of American capitalism. READ MORE»

Trump Wants to Limit Refugees to Lowest Level in 30 Years

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Some timing: "We're at the world's most significant refugee crisis" since World War II, says a refugee activist. READ MORE»

3 Reasons Why We Are Addicted to Smartphones

By Jaco Hamman, The Conversation

Why we love our phones so much might be related to our basic yearnings as human beings, explains a scholar, who is also a pastor. READ MORE»

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