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A Message from My Sponsor
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Now that most of us are stuck at home, we’re spending even more of our lives online. That’s why I want to remind you of this special deal for my listeners: three free months of ExpressVPN!

You’ve heard me talk about ExpressVPN many times on my show, so you already know that you should never connect to public Wi-Fi without turning ExpressVPN on. But even at home, your internet activity could be at risk.

Here’s why ExpressVPN is my #1 must-have during quarantine:

ExpressVPN anonymizes your internet activity to keep your information private

Increased online activity means that you’re giving advertisers and your internet service provider even more opportunities to gather information about you. Your ISP can see all the websites you visit and sell that information to the highest bidder. Turn on ExpressVPN with just one click, and instantly encrypt and anonymize your internet connection!

ExpressVPN encrypts 100% of your data to keep your sensitive work secure

Without the supervision of your office IT department, misconfigurations on your device or a malware-infected router could put confidential work information at risk of being stolen by hackers. It would take a hacker with a supercomputer billions of years to crack ExpressVPN’s encryption!

ExpressVPN allows you to change your location and expand your entertainment options (my personal favorite!)

ExpressVPN isn’t just essential for privacy and security  – using it can be pretty fun too! It’s only a matter of time before you run out of good shows to watch on Netflix. Little known fact: every country has a different Netflix library, and many great shows aren’t available in the US. Just this week, I used ExpressVPN to change my location to the UK so I could watch Suits, which isn’t available on US Netflix.

ExpressVPN is giving all my listeners an exclusive deal! Click the link below and claim three months of ExpressVPN for free.