Hey, how was your weekend?

I noticed a theme among my WhatsApp messages during my two days off: cheap thrills. 

Though I’ve always been taught that talking about money is more taboo than chic, the mission to find epic things to do within budget is always hot conversation. Besides, I get the feeling last month’s payday is working overtime…

So, what did I (eventually) reply back with? Luckily, I’m in a good place to share such dirham-saving intel. 

I let my third-tier friend in on all the completely free ladies’ nights on offer, while my best friend (read: stomach) and I are working through the best business lunches in town — my spend on food will have practically halved by Friday. 

My ex-PT is still hounding me (and my life’s savings) to make a comeback but a rather savage message (oops) spotlighting all the free gym trials I'm tackling has kept him quiet (for now). A snoop in my archived and the group chat can’t make a call on a budget-friendly brunch and you can guess who’s ended up as party planner…

From Emirates ID perks you probably haven't heard of to other absolutely free things to pepper in the diary, the city (and my phone) are constantly buzzing with freebie chat too good to mute.

Have a great week guys,


free things to do in Dubai

You won’t believe what you can do

Dubai's best budget restaurants

Amazing food and value incoming

business lunch deals in Dubai

It's time to upgrade your menu

The chat continues...


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