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Cloud Transformation

In the last few months, I've been traveling around at a few of the Redgate Summits (one more in NYC coming) running panels on cloud journeys. I've had industry experts, both technical and managerial, discussing their approaches and journeys with advice and caveats for others. It can often be more than just migrating systems, so a lot of people have started to talk about cloud transformation.

However, in some cases, this is just a migration. A lot of companies just lift-and-shift their databases into the cloud, along with various other services. While this is a quick way to get into the cloud, it isn't much of a transformation. If you review and right-size the resources you've provisioned, maybe there is a bit of a transformation, but not a lot.

Instead, the idea recommended by most vendors and consultants is to transform your software to work in the cloud. This might be moving to containers, to using more cloud-native services, or re-architecting your software to embrace to way cloud vendors provide services. Often this is a major project, though it can provide advantages over time with cost savings, more efficient code, and better-trained developers.

That last one is key, as a lot of the advantages of the cloud require your developers to write better code and re-think how they interact with data services. Code costs money, and poor code costs more money. This is also true on-premises, but it's more true (and more visible) in the cloud.

I was surprised at how many companies had embraced the cloud and how many had seen savings. I met quite a few companies that had moved their databases (including large enterprises) 100% into the cloud. They've seen savings, but they also rigorously audit resources and the provisioned sizes.

The cloud isn't for every organization, and not for all workloads. There are more than a few companies that have struggled to achieve the results they want in the cloud, be these performance or cost measures. I suspect some organizations will never move fully to the cloud, and may never move databases. However, it is a tool that we technical people ought to understand and learn why we recommend for or against a move.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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How I Used PostgreSQL RLS To Avoid Code Changes During a Migration from SQLServerCentral

This article discusses how one person implemented Row Level Security in PostgreSQL to help with a data migration from a single tenant to a multi-tenant database structure.

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Query Exercise: Beat ChatGPT at Finding Good Question Times

Additional Articles from Brent Ozar Blog

What are the best days of the week and times of the day to post a question at

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From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Introduction to OpenAI and LLMs – Part 2

James Serra from James Serra's Blog

My previous blog post on this topic was Introduction to OpenAI and LLMs, the “what” part (what is OpenAI and LLM), and this blog post will talk about the...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - How important is having great soft skills as a Software Engineer for personal growth and career…

Adetokunbo Ige from Adetokunbo Ige

How important is having great soft skills as a Software Engineer for personal growth and career successAs an Engineer, I would like to understand what I need to do to...

The Phoenix Project

The Phoenix Project

Additional Articles from SQLServerCentral

In this newly updated and expanded edition of the bestselling The Phoenix Project, co-author Gene Kim includes a new afterword and a deeper delve into the Three Ways as described in The DevOps Handbook.


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


The Secondary Database Name in an AG

I am setting up a SQL Server 2022 Availability Group and I am ready to restore the database on the secondary. The primary database is named Finance. However, we also use this instance for QA and already have a database named Finance. How do I configure the AG to use a different database as the secondary?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Dropping a Logon Trigger

I created this trigger for testing on SQL Server 2022:


Now I want to drop it. What do I run?


Explanation: DROP TRIGGER checksteve ON ALL SERVER is what works. Ref: DROP TRIGGER -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
Unknown queries showing in SQL Sentry tool - Hi. we are noticing this following query frequently in our production environment in SQL Sentry. They are definitely not from application. Do you know what it could be and how we can track it down? SELECT do.object_name as [object_name], do.schema_name as [schema_name], do.referencing_type_desc as [type_desc], do.referencing_type as [type], ds.referenced_server as [referenced_server_name], do.referenced_database as [referenced_database_name], do.referenced_schema […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Flexable/Effective means to join the Nth record - I have no doubt this has been covered many times and has many answers but I'm hoping by now this has been refined down to where you can get not just teh 1st or last record but the Nth record. Let say I has a join like the below and I want just teh first […]
Development - SQL Server 2014
“user_scans” of table “sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats” - I am trying to find answer to the below. What exactly the scan means for the field "user_scans" being with the table "sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats" ? Like, there are tables in our prod which aren't used for sure as the module is shutdown 4 years back but the DB holds all the tables related to that module. […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
error -SQLVDI: Loc=SignalAbort. Desc=Client initiates abort. ErrorCode=(0). Proc - Hello experts,   Recently we have migrated sql 2012 to 2019 post migration Az VM  while running db bkps into url  ,we are getting  alerts error   SQLVDI: Loc=SignalAbort. Desc=Client initiates abort. ErrorCode=(0). Process=5924. Thread=7452. Client. Instance=. VD=Global\{EA1DBCBD-17D1-4C54-884D-07424674DC54}2_SQLVDIMemoryName_0. Pls suggent
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SQL Server 2019 - Development
Encryption & Decryption in SQL Server - Dear All, I have a requirement as below, Export a table/query output in a file with encrypted format. Import the file content to a table in a different server SQL database and decrypt the content. I request forum members to help on this please. Thanks in Advance! Chella      
Reporting Services
YTD Not working - Hi All Please see the below screen shot, YTD column is nit working. Showing the same as complete year values. =(Sum(Fields!Accounts_Receivable_Application_Patient_Payment_Amount.Value) - Sum(Fields!Accounts_Receivable_Unapplied_Patient_Payment_Due_To_Refund_Amount.Value)) + Sum(Fields!Accounts_Receivable_Application_Insurance_Payment_Amount.Value) + Sum(Fields!Accounts_Receivable_Application_Insurance_Recoup_Amount.Value)   Thanks
Have you seen this in the news today? - You might want to look into this issue: Windows flaw lets hackers sneak into your PC over Wi-Fi | Fox News I don't know how serious this might be, but maybe should be checked out.
Analysis Services
SSAS Multidimensional Configuration - Hi Everybody, I could really use some help. My company uses SQL Server Analysis Services 2019. We have a 75gb multi-dimensional cube. 95% of our report data is sourced from the cube. We also have several teams that refresh their excel workbook connections. For the past couple of months, we have been plagued with CPU […]
SQL Server 2022 - Administration
how to find the cpu memory disk and network of the OS where RDS is residing. - hi, i have one RDS, but i do not have any other permissions, and i need to know the cpu , memeory disk and network staus of the OS where RDS is residing. if i had sqlserver on my machine it was so easy for me to press alt ctrl del to find the status […]
Contained Availability Groups and Replication - Hi, I have a couple of questions around contained AOAG: Is it still the case that you cannot replicate a database within a contained AOAG? Are you able to replicate to the nodes involved in the cluster outside of the contained AOAG? TIA
SQL Server 2022 - Development
Removing Filestream - How? - Hello, we are migrating our SQL Server database and one of the tasks is to stop using Filestream.  I am wondering how do I extract all the actual files from the filestream data file?  How can I get access to the actual files so that we can store them elsewhere?  I have tried doing google […]
how to assign studentid from one table to other one? please - Good Morning,   how to assign query one results to query 2 student id, each record should have each value, rather assigning one to all 20k students. please advise. i tried one but it is assigned same id to all STG_Student. please   -- Query 1 SELECT STATESTUDENTID FROM DEV_SLDS.LEGACY.STUDENTIDPOOL WHERE IDSTATUS = 'UNASSIGNED' AND […]
How to run custom python module on SQL Server? - I am working on a small test script on SQL server 2022 using python module.  The module does the simple calculation of pi * 2 (3.1415926 * 2).  The test script does not work with MouleNotFoundError when using the custom module.  While the test script worked fine when same python code was directly imbedded in […]
Upgrade to SQL2019 from 2012 Query is taking time, Need Query Optimization steps - Upgrade to SQL2019 from 2012 Query is taking time, Need Query Optimization steps and Pre requisites to optimize Query Performance and CPU Usage


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