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How long does GOP let Trump 'play out this game?'
President Trump is still refusing to concede the election to Joe Biden and many Republicans are still backing the president in this move despite Joe Biden brushing it aside. Yet how is Trump potentially impacting national security by halting the transition?
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Politico: Trump's allies know he's lost the election
Politico's Jake Sherman says that no Republican he's spoken with believes Donald Trump won re-election.
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'Very worrisome': House member on Trump refusal to concede
House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees member, Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, D-Penn., weighs in on the national security risk from Trump's refusal to concede the election.
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CDC report says masks protect wearers and everyone else
Wearing a mask not only protects others from the spread of Covid-19, but it protects the wearer as well, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday.
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All eyes turn to Georgia Senate runoffs in January
How Fisher House Foundation has helped veterans for 30 years
John Adams: The first president to turn over power peacefully
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