Allowing Donald Trump to return to Facebook would undermine public safety.

Free Press


The Facebook Oversight Board has come back with a decision on the suspension of Donald Trump’s account: keep him off...for now.

The Board's decision kicks the can back to Facebook to review this issue again in 6 months.

This is just ridiculous. If Trump regains access to his Facebook and Instagram accounts, we fully expect that he will continue the same behavior from before — using these platforms to incite hate against Black and Brown people, Asian Americans, immigrants, Muslim Americans, women and many other groups.

We can’t afford to go backward: Tell Facebook to keep Donald Trump off the platform.

Trump’s hate and lies gave rise to deadly attacks at the U.S. Capitol, assaults on the El Paso and Charlottesville communities, and record levels of hate crimes. This dangerous decision allows Trump to continue to weaponize social media and endanger lives, and sets a precedent for others to do so.

The only reason the Facebook Oversight Board upheld the suspension for the next 6 months is because of public outrage. Now we need to keep the pressure on so that 6 months down the road, the company will uphold Trump's suspension.

Demand that Facebook ban Donald Trump’s account immediately and permanently.

2021 has already been a year of heartbreak and devastation, with hate crimes, state violence against the Black community, mass shootings and crises spun out of the COVID-19 pandemic. The last thing we need right now is to further amplify people like Donald Trump who uphold violent systems of white supremacy. Urge Facebook to permanently ban Donald Trump.

Thank you for all that you do,


P.S. Allowing Donald Trump to return to Facebook would undermine public safety and harm people of color. Tell Facebook to permanently ban Trump’s account.

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