Monday, September 27, 2021

"A nurse can oversee more patients if the nurse has the support at the elbow that they need, and the LPN and the nursing assistant assigned as a team gives them that support." — Claire Zangerle, DNP, MSN, MBA, RN, FAONL, NEA-BC, chief nurse executive, Allegheny Health Network

While COVID-19 continues to exacerbate the nursing shortage, Allegheny Health Network (AHN) of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is filling nurse staffing gaps with a pilot program that welcomes back licensed practical nurses (LPNs).

Though LPNs—alternately referred to as licensed vocational nurses (LVNs)—have been phased out over the last decade by health systems seeking higher-educated nurses who can provide a wider scope of duties, AHN's chief nurse executive, Claire Zangerle, saw them as a staffing solution.

In our lead story this week, I spoke with Zangerle about the pilot program and how it's working.


How LPNs Are Filling Nurse Staffing Gaps for Allegheny Health Network
The staffing crisis required CNO Claire Zangerle to get 'creative.' To her nursing teams' dismay, she brought LPNs back into the health system.
Chamberlain University Launches Framework to Increase Diversity in Nursing
Social Determinants of Learning™ is designed to increase educational justice and health equity.
AONL Membership Elects Deborah Zimmermann, DNP, RN, as Organization's Next President
Nurse leader membership also elects new treasurer and 5 new members to its board of directors.
The Driving Force of Healthcare Starts at the Bedside
This executive CNO Roundtable explored the strategies nurse leaders can take to ensure the nursing workforce and healthcare system is equipped to improve outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and reshape healthcare delivery.
Save Your Seat for Patient Engagement Myths - Debunked on September 29, 2021 at 11:00 AM EST.
As patient demands for a modernized healthcare experience increase, patient engagement has emerged as a critical strategic priority for many healthcare organizations. The digital health market is ballooning in growth — and so are the related misconceptions. Join us as we share recent survey findings and debunk common myths associated with patient engagement.
Hospitals and Health Systems Projected to Lose About $54B in Net Income in 2021
Sicker patients and higher expenses are contributing to 'profound headwinds,' AHA CEO says.
Home Births Gain Popularity in 'Baby Bust' Decade
From 2009 to 2019, the proportion of births nationwide outside hospitals rose from 1.01% in 2009 to 1.56% in 2019.
At an Overrun ICU, 'the Problem Is We Are Running Out of Hallways'
Montana is a national hot spot for COVID infections, recording the highest percentage increase in new cases over the past seven days.
COVID-19 Cost US 9M Years of Life Expectancy
Blacks, Hispanics lost nearly twice as many quality adjusted life years as Whites.

Must Reads


That's all for this Monday. Thank you for turning to HealthLeaders for your healthcare nursing news.

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Carol Davis
Nursing Editor