MPR News UpdateAM edition
Good morning! Hot and humid today, with a chance of storms tonight. Highs in the 90s. Keep the fans and water handy -- the steamy weather sticks around through Memorial Day. Hey, we're No. 1! And No. 2! No surprises, there, right? | Forecast
How Minnesota's land use contributes to climate change
Agriculture is the dominant use of Minnesota's land. But people don't directly eat most of what that land produces, which is symptomatic of a major worldwide climate threat. | Go vegan, save the world? Study highlights benefits of eating more plants
North Korea demolishes its nuclear test site in a 'huge explosion'

Journalists witnessed as North Korea blew up tunnels it uses for nuclear testing. But experts say it was mostly for show, and closing the site will have little impact on the nation's capabilities. | North Korea slams Pence as summit with Trump grows shakier

One hurt in officer-involved shooting in Crystal

The incident happened late Wednesday in the 3600 block of Colorado Avenue North in Crystal.

Student charged with attacking Harrison Education Center staffer

Prosecutors have charged a student at a Minneapolis alternative school with two counts of felony assault in an attack that left a teaching assistant in critical condition this week.

Law school reckoning: University of Minnesota wants more subsidies to stay selective

The University of Minnesota is finally seeing a slight increase in enrollment after a huge decrease in the early 2010s. But the school is still hurting financially and relying on subsidies to maintain its stature.

Zimmer proud Vikings didn't kneel last year

Zimmer said: "I think it's important we represent our country the right way. A lot of people have died for that flag. That flag represents our country and what we stand for."

Milwaukee chief apologizes for arrest of Bucks guard Brown

Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales apologized to Bucks guard Sterling Brown on Wednesday for a January arrest that started with a parking violation and escalated to include use of a stun gun, and said some officers had been disciplined.

Under Trump, family planning funds could go to groups that oppose contraception

Several groups that promote natural family planning and abstinence education say newly proposed guidelines could open the door for them to receive federal family planning funds for the first time.

Sun Country adding seats to its planes, promises customers won't feel squeezed

Eagan-based Sun Country plans to spend $20 million to spiff up its planes, giving them new seats and other upgrades.

Art Hounds: The Northeastern Minnesota Book Awards
Plus, the Art Hounds recommend an exhibition of art by indigenous people of color, and "The Room with Closets."
What's going on in your child's brain when you read them a story?

There are many ways young children encounter stories. A new study finds a "Goldilocks effect," where a cartoon may be "too hot" and audiobooks "too cold" for learning readers.

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