WMRE Daily
WMRE Daily

MARCH 30, 2023

Top Story

How Much Strain Is the Commercial Real Estate Market Showing? It's a Complex Issue.

MSCI’s Jim Costello and Alexis Maltin warn that while a failure on the scale of the Great Financial Crisis is unlikely, there are signs that trouble may be brewing for real estate investors with upcoming maturities.




WMRE's Common Area: Exploring Tax-Advantaged Real Estate Options

Capital Square's Louis Rogers comes on the podcast to talk about 1031 exchanges, DSTs, Qualified Opportunity Zones and other tax-advantaged real estate options.


In Case You Missed It ...

Liquidity, Allocation Concerns Contribute to Real Estate Secondaries Deal Flow

Last year marked a record for real estate secondaries transactions. Asset managers expect 2023 to beat that figure.



Global Creditors Face Long Fight with China Developers for Cash

A plan unveiled last week by China Evergrande Group has raised concerns that investors may have to wait for years to get their money back. Under one of the options, the biggest Chinese builder to default offered to swap old notes with new ones with maturities of as long as 12 years.


Elon Musk Can’t Avoid Paying Twitter’s Rent Forever

Maybe Musk is withholding payment as a move in what is known among scholars as the “holdup game”—an opportunistic effort to force better terms from a counterparty who’s poorly positioned to resist your demands. Think of a seller about to deliver a generator, who waits until after the buyer has finished renovating the factory according to the seller’s specs before demanding a higher price. If that’s the move, it’s a risky one.


Nine Must Reads for Real Estate Investors Today

The FDIC has hired Newmark Group to sell about $60 billion of Signature Bank loans, reports The Wall Street Journal. Amazon is considering acquiring the AMC theater chain, according to The Intersect. These are among today’s must reads from around the commercial real estate industry.