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AUGUST 9, 2022

How Multifamily Borrowers are Adjusting to Rising Interest Rates

Some buyers are trying to renegotiate prices, but a net result of recent moves could be a tightening in the spread between multifamily cap rates and yields on 10-year Treasuries.


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Workshop: Financing Multifamily Amid Rising Rates

Are you considering an acquisition or refinance or a multifamily property? Watch this workshop to help equip you with insights on financing options in today’s challenging environment.

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Compressed Cap Rates and Higher Risk Pushes Multifamily Investors to Forgo Older Assets

With a shrinking delta in cap rates between assets of different vintage, many investors opt to go with lower risk newer properties and fewer capital expenditures.


Many Investors Remain Satisfied with Steady Income from Affordable Housing

The option to convert some affordable units to market rates makes housing advocates nervous, but many investors like the diversification that owning affordable apartments offers.



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