“How Musicians Can Invest In Their Mental Wellbeing” plus 1 more

How Musicians Can Invest In Their Mental Wellbeing

Posted: 02 Aug 2019 10:27 AM PDT

A career in music is never easy, but the music industry brings particular challenges that can affect your mental wellbeing. This industry is high-pressure and competitive by nature, and facing the unusual work hours and demands for perfection that musicians face can contribute to mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

Chances are that passion for music brought you into this industry, but anxiety and depression can quickly take the joy out of this career for any musician. Luckily, there are many ways that you can prioritize your mental health so that you can enjoy the unique life that your music career brings.  

Invest in Physical Health

Your physical and mental health are closely linked; if you have poor physical health, you’re more likely to develop mental health issues. And if you’re coping with mental health issues, like anxiety and depression, these issues can have a negative impact on your physical health. 


To prioritize your mental health, focus on ways that you can stay physically active. Create a routine that incorporates daily physical activity. Determine which type of exercise you most enjoy and focus on doing that activity, since you’ll be more likely to follow through with your exercise routine when it’s something that you enjoy. You don’t necessarily have to go to the gym, since simple activities like getting out and going for a walk can boost both your physical and mental health. 


Staying active when you’re on the road can be a challenge, but you can still stay physically active when traveling by RV, bus, or car. Pack your workout gear when you go on tour and seek out small opportunities to fit in some activity throughout the day, like a set of push-ups before soundcheck or a jog around the concert venue parking lot before rehearsal. Pack healthy food from home and avoid daily takeout meals. 


Staying physically active is easier when you surround yourself with people who support you and understand that you’re working on your health. Try to find a bandmate, friend, or family member who can help to keep you accountable for your physical health and who can accompany you on some of your workouts. 

Plan Ahead for Traveling and Touring

Traveling and spending days, weeks, or even months on the road during a tour can take a significant mental toll. Touring can be isolating, stressful, and tiring — none of which are beneficial for mental wellbeing. But if you carefully plan for these factors, you can prioritize your mental health even when on tour. 


When you know that you will be traveling, start planning for your travel ahead of time. Make a packing list to help minimize your stress in preparing for the trip, allowing you to focus on perfecting your music, rather than on potentially forgetting important items. Take some time to clean and organize your home, too, so that when you arrive back home, you’ll be coming into a welcoming space where everything is already taken care of. Tours are exhausting, and knowing that you’ll be able to simply relax once you’re home can be emotionally reassuring. 


While planning can go a long way to minimizing the stress that traveling and touring brings, it’s also important for you to realize when it’s time to scale back. Whether you’re focused on building your career or are finally enjoying the success that you’ve dreamed of for years, you may feel pressured to constantly keep up with a fast-paced touring schedule. There will always be pressure to play the next gig and take on that next project, but balance is also important in your mental health. If you can learn how to say no to some gigs and prioritize your mental health, you can better enjoy your career. 

Seek Professional Help for Mental Health

The above strategies can help to maximize your mental health, but sometimes they just aren’t enough on their own. If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, it’s time to seek professional help. 


To find a mental health professional who can help you, think about the types of services that you’re looking for. Therapists and counselors can help you to better manage emotions and thought patterns. If you anticipate medication being a part of your treatment plan, then you will want to look for a mental health specialist like a psychiatrist. Your primary care doctor may be able to recommend some local mental health professionals, and your insurance company should also be able to give you a list of local providers who are covered under your plan. 


It’s important to try to stay ahead of mental health issues; when it comes to issues like depression and anxiety, the earlier you seek help, the sooner you can find relief from your symptoms. In addition to therapy, a psychiatrist may suggest lifestyle changes, give you tools to help manage your symptoms, and even suggest medications. There are also many natural remedies that you may wish to explore; chamomile tea, lavender, and even CBD oil are all natural options that are often used to help manage anxiety. 


Mental health is nothing to be ashamed of, so don’t be afraid to seek out help and support. By taking a proactive approach to your mental health, you can better enjoy your music career and your life. 


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Everything You Should Know Before Getting Your First Piano

Posted: 29 Jul 2019 04:46 AM PDT

Before you can even begin to consider rests and rhythm and the squiggly lines at the beginning of the music that give you migraines, you must first find an instrument to play on.

Naturally, you’ll have a lot of questions about acquiring a piano- should you actually buy one? Is it better to get a piano or a keyboard? Is it worth getting one second hand?

To help you, Jellynote has prepared a comprehensive guide to finding your dream instrument.

First thing’s first…consider the following points:

Is this something I am serious about? Or, just like the disturbingly lifelike artificial intelligence commonly known as “the furby”, is this just a passing craze?

Am I only in it for the short-term benefit? Or do I want to build a strong base for future learning?

Is there enough space in my house?

Can I afford this?

If you’re not sure whether you’ll stick at it…

…It’s probably best that you don’t actually buy a piano. New pianos can be extremely expensive, costing upward of $4,000 (and that’s not even for a grand piano). We recommend you rent one for at least a year before you consider buying it.   

Renting a piano will allow you to see how often you use it and will give you time to decide whether piano is the right instrument for you.

Plans change, and you really don’t want to be on the wrong side of an ill-planned investment. Do you really want to be stuck playing an instrument that you don’t really like just because you’re financially obligated to? Think of the shame you’ll feel every time you enter the room and see the instrument which you effectively sold your soul (and perhaps your kidney) to purchase lying under a layer of dust. Talk about a guilt complex…

Plus, renting a piano allows you to try different models before settling on the one you will eventually buy. Think of it like dating. You wouldn’t marry the first person you met off the street, even if that person was Mark Ruffalo, so why should you commit to the first piano you encounter?

For a good rental service in the UK, check out Markson Pianos or Sheargolds.

If you’re in the US, try faust harrison Pianos or Piano Piano.

The piano vs keyboard debate…

A debate as old as time itself… (or rather since 1874 when the “Musical Telegraph” was first invented).

If you want to learn proper techniques…

…You should definitely consider a piano over a keyboard. Pianos have weighted keys, allowing you to build up finger strength, which will enable you to learn more challenging pieces down the line.

Also, pianos feel alive. Sounds strange, but hear me out. This is because when you touch them, there is a physical reaction within the piano. As you play a note, a hammer hits a string, which thus creates a sound. This process creates a much richer sound than a keyboard could produce.

Remember that the sound of an acoustic piano carries more than the sound produced by a keyboard so if you’re playing for a large audience it definitely has its advantages.

Plus, pianos are sexy! Imagine walking into a room where all the sofas are facing the piano, instead of the TV. Pianos ooze sophistication, whereas keyboards really don’t.

If you want a cheaper option…

…A keyboard is definitely for you.

Unlike pianos, keyboards require no maintenance and don’t need to be tuned. Also, keyboards aren’t affected by the environment or humidity.

Most keyboards allow you to adjust the volume and insert headphones. This means you can practice on a Sunday morning without starting World War 3.

While you forfeit an authentic piano sound, a keyboard allows you to produce a variety of other sounds, including, but not limited to, ducks quacking, babies crying and, perhaps most disturbing of all, the sound of a middle aged white man saying “yo”.  

Keyboards can be good for orchestration as some include features that enable you to “play” (or rather use the sound of) another instrument altogether. Some allow you to record music so if you’re looking to record a song (but don’t have the money to spend on renting a recording studio), a keyboard is definitely the better option.

There’s also a matter of space. Keyboards take up a lot less space and can be packed away easily. If you’re a student, it may be the more appropriate option.

Should I buy it new or second-hand?

Having an item in your house with a mysterious history can be quite exciting! Take, for example, auntie Lizzie!

Plus, second-hand pianos are usually a lot cheaper than new ones.

That said, used pianos aren’t exactly timeless. Most pianos have a lifespan of about 60 years, which means you have to be careful about buying used pianos, especially if you don’t know the seller that well.

We advise you ask your friends and family if they know anyone looking to sell their piano before you start looking for one on the internet. You’ll have a better chance of not being ripped off and you might even get a discount.

Make sure you watch out for the following things when inspecting the piano:

The keys

Are any of the keys discoloured? Broken? Dirty? Wobbly? Do they stick? Are they levelled?

The casing

What’s your first impression of the casework? Are there any loose parts? Is the hinge damaged? What does the surface look like? A dented or damaged casing could be a sign that the previous owners didn’t take proper care of the instrument.

What does the inside of the piano smell like? A pungent smell could be a sign of damp or mould.

The soundboard

The soundboard is the panel behind the strings (or underneath for grand pianos). Inspect it for any cracks, which could damage the tone of the piano.

Take note of where the piano has been stored. Radiators, fireplaces or any area of the house where the temperature could fluctuate can lead to issues with tuning.


Ask the previous owner how often the piano was tuned. Anything less than twice a year will run the risk of you having to pay for special tuning, which could be quite expensive.

If the piano was regularly tuned, find out who tuned it. If it was done professionally, it should be fine, but if not, it may present problems in the future.

Lastly, remember the golden rule:

Try before you buy!

Do some notes ring even when you stop playing the note? Any rattles or buzzes when you play? Do the pedals work effectively? Do they squeak when you play them? Be aware of all these red flags.

 Never commit to a piano before you’ve had an opportunity to play it.

When you ultimately come to choosing the piano, you will probably know immediately which one is for you. As a wise man once said:

The piano chooses the player, Mr Potter. It’s not always clear why.

Happy practicing!

The Jellynote Team x 

This article was originally publised on https://blog.jellynote.com/






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