
How Non-Amazon Retailers “Leaned Into” Prime Day To Increase Sales

Mobile Is Finally Coming To the Enterprise, Says ServiceNow CEO

Retailers and brands took advantage of the buzz, the demand, and the awareness, that Amazon has created.

Mobile is coming to the enterprise, finally, says ServiceNow CEO John Donahoe. “It’s been a long time coming.
There’s Been a Lot of Advances In Machine Learning, Says Etsy CEO
Founders Syndrome Is a Real Thing, Says Craigslist Founder
There’s been a lot of advances in machine learning that take things that would have been literally impossible 10 years ago. The biggest lesson is that founders syndrome is a real thing, says Craigslist found Craig Newmark.

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Bank of America CEO: Our Efficiency Is Driven By Technology
We think that AI is really going to change everything, says BeyondMinds co-founder Or Kramer.

It’s absolutely a fair statement that we are actually a technology company that is really fabulous at banking.
Alibaba.com Opens World’s Largest B2B Marketplace To US Businesses

How Advanced WiFi6 Will Change Your Workplace Dramatically

Today is a great day for US small businesses. Manufacturers and wholesalers can join Alibaba today to sell to the world.
Even the most advanced WiFi technology up until now could only connect to a few devices at a time.

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