Good morning, Marketer, get up and dance now! It will do you good.

Making the world better for others makes it better for us. Don’t worry, this isn’t the start of a sermon. It’s a cold, hard marketing fact. As our story today shows, optimizing digital offerings for people with physical and cognitive disabilities makes them easier for everyone to use. 

This includes things like easily navigable sites with high contrast text and clear, consistent labeling. Also, if you don’t do it you’re risking a federal lawsuit – but lets focus on the positive. Finally, today is the first full day of HubSpot’s Inbound conference and we’ll be reporting on it. 

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

Optimizing the online experience for disabilities improves it for all customers

43% of people with disabilities abandoned an online purchase because of accessibility issues.

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Top 3 marketing use cases for the B2B metaverse

Virtual worlds and immersive technology are not just for consumer campaigns. Here's how to begin your B2B metaverse marketing journey.

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How to optimize the marketing KPIs moving the needle in e-commerce

Access this e-book and learn how performance marketers drive results with these proven strategies.

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Building a brand strategy: Essentials for long-term success

Slapping together a couple ideas and a logo is not a brand strategy. Here's a detailed guide to help you create and execute a well thought out strategy to promote your brand.

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The CMO’s Formula To 3x Your Digital Marketing Campaign Results

Discover the 5 best practices for CMOs and other marketing leaders to adapt to the changing digital landscape.

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B2B customer journeys that begin at review sites are significantly shorter

When a software review site is the first touch on a customer journey, the length of that journey can be dramatically reduced.

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74% of B2B marketers expect budgets to increase next year

Nearly two-thirds say the increases will be modest. No one expects budgets to be cut.

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Email marketing is continually developing. Are you keeping up?

External factors like Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection and Hide My Email mean that marketers continually need to adapt. Download this MarTech guide to stay up to date.

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Why being purpose-driven goes hand-in-hand with being profit-driven and resilient

Brands that put purpose at the heart of what they do can future-proof themselves in an ever-shifting marketplace. Here's a framework for becoming purpose-driven.

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