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'The Politics of Everything' TNR's podcast hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
Podcasts on the intersection of culture, media, and politics 
Hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
December 28, 2020 
How Pandemics End

The first Covid-19 vaccines have arrived. But when will life as we knew it finally resume?

American Military Supremacy is Not Inevitable

The United States decided to rule the world. We can also decide to step back.

Reimagining the Post-Covid Economy

Six ideas for how to rebuild after the pandemic


Other Audio Features
The Urgent Case for Shrinking the Economy

Endless growth is destroying the planet. We know how to stop it.

Selling the American Space Dream

The cosmic delusions of Elon Musk and Wernher von Braun

Monetizing the Final Frontier

The strange new push for space privatization



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