TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 12, 2017

Biggest Fake News Providers? Study Says: Limbaugh, Breitbart and Fox News

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Study reveals how right-wingers are duped into believing fake news. READ MORE»

Trump Claims a High IQ, Behaves Like a 'F***Ing Moron'

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Tillerson and Corker have spoken out against Trump because he’s dangerous—and lurching toward nuclear war. READ MORE»

The 2nd Amendment Says a Lot More Than the 'Right to Bear Arms'—And the True History of It Will Blow Right-Wing Minds

By Robert Parry, Consortium News

The Founding Fathers weren't advocating for mass shootings. READ MORE»

Do You Have Hep C? Pharma Hopes So

By Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet

The sicker you get, the richer they become.  READ MORE»

CNN Airs Devastating Montage That Proves Trump Is Fixated on IQ

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story

He can't stop talking about his alleged intelligence. READ MORE»

Seth Meyers Nails Trump for the 'Lazy Wannabe Dictator' He's Always Been After Latest Assault on Press

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The "Late Night" host had strong words for the president's party too. READ MORE»

Whoa, Could Trump Be Losing Rush Limbaugh?

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

Even the shock jock seems worried the president is starting to lose it. READ MORE»

Madness: In America, Your Boss Can Cite a Religious Objection to Your Health Care

By Martha Burk, OtherWords

Expanding "corporate citizen" rights into health care could ultimately affect everybody, not just women. READ MORE»

Trump Reportedly 'Threw a Fit' When Advised to Certify Iran's Compliance with the Nuclear Deal

By Bob Brigham, Raw Story

“He was furious. Really furious.” READ MORE»

Fox News Host Shep Smith Compares Trump to Nixon, Implies His Presidency Could End Soon

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

Both have tried to strong-arm news networks, both could be undone by good reporting. READ MORE»

After the Las Vegas Massacre, Guess What Republicans Tried to Ban? (Hint: Not Guns)

By Katie Klabusich, Truthout

In addition to being an infringement on people’s rights, this legislation could be costly to taxpayers. READ MORE»

Conquering Translations While Renaming Columbus Day

By Malú Huacuja del Toro, AlterNet

Translation has mattered throughout Americas' history, to this very moment; Democracy Now! in Spanish is one of a few media outlets getting it right. READ MORE»

India's Hindu Right-Wing Extremists Are Increasingly Turning to Violence

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

The Hindu right tries to suffocate Indian politics, but runs into a wall on the left. READ MORE»

Why the Soda Industry Is the Big Tobacco of Our Times

By Marion Nestle, Oxford University Press

Soft drinks are a multibillion-dollar industry with a health-harming playbook straight from the cigarette companies. READ MORE»

Wildfires in Northern CA Have Devastated America's Prime Marijuana-Growing Region

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

A popular wine tourism destination and marijuana-growing mecca has been turned into a raging inferno. READ MORE»

New Study Shows Government Massively Miscounted Killings by Police—They're So Much Higher Than We Thought

By Jamiles Lartey, The Guardian

Harvard study finds over half of deaths wrongly classified, in latest example of databases greatly undercounting police killings. READ MORE»

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