
The Turning Point, The Big LowCountering the Bears: These are the titles of some Wall Street memos about what to expect in 2019. The world’s largest banks and money managers are preparing for the end of one of the longest bull markets in history. How that end might arrive, though, is the big question.David E. Rovella

Here are today's top stories

China, after years of trying to isolate Taiwan's democratic government, is making noise again about unification. Taipei remains unimpressed.

Hedge fund managers set on starting their own firms in 2019 face the worst money-raising environment in years.

After recovering from the Christmas Eve massacre, investors greeted the new year with caution.

When it comes to MBAs and entrepreneurs, America's loss because of newly restrictive immigration policies is becoming Canada's gain, Bloomberg Businessweek reports.

Mitt Romney gave President Donald Trump a report card for New Year's, and it seems he failed. The incoming Republican U.S. senator for Utah may be positioning himself as a party counterweight to Trump, who responded to the scathing critique in usual Twitter-fashion. 

Is it a blink or a ploy? Trump invited Democrats to the White House for a "briefing" about border security, as the partial government shutdown triggered by his last-minute demand for wall funding continues.

What's Joe Weisenthal thinking about? The Bloomberg news director is contemplating Fed Chair Jerome Powell's musings on the relationship between unemployment and inflation, and whether the old models don't work anymore.

What you'll need to know tomorrow

What you'll want to read tonight

Bloomberg Businessweek's 2019 Travel Guide

This year, treat your travel bucket list like your office to-do list and tackle the timeliest items first. That means sailing through Brazil’s jaguar-filled Pantanal while everyone else heads down the Amazon, skipping overdeveloped Bali in favor of Bodrum and perhaps spotting a tiger or two in India's Madhya Pradesh.

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