AccountantsWorld Daily News

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How the IRS Determines the Statute of limitations on Collections

(CPA Practice Advisors) - The statute of limitations period for IRS collection enforcement is generally ten years from the date the tax is assessed.[1]Tax Practitioners who are new to IRS collection representation may not be fully aware of the impact the statute of limitations (SOL) can have on a case...

Live CPE Webinar: Marketing Your Firms Services in Uncertain Times

Like many functions, the role of marketing has been upended in 2020. What can your firm do to better meet these expectations and boost your revenue? If you’re looking for an intuitive, easy-to-follow approach to marketing success in 2020 and beyond, this presentation will help you define a clear path forward. REGISTER NOW

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Why Employer Branding is Important for Accountants 
(Accounting Web) -Does your firm have a good reputation amongst current and potential employees? Marketing guru Lee Frederiksen offers tips on how to maintain your employer brand so you can attract and retain top talent.

Big Businesses That Started as Side Hustles 
(MSN Money) - While people have engaged in some form of “side hustles” for centuries, the practice has gained much more prominence over the last two decades.

Cloud Growth Drives Microsoft Earnings Beat 
(CFO) - Microsoft has benefited from businesses accelerating the shift to cloud infrastructure and applications due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

An Avalanche of Fraud Buried a Small-Business Relief Program 
(Bloomberg) - Scams went viral as SBA gave out $10,000 grants to almost anyone who asked.

If payroll isnt your most profitable service, upgrade to Payroll Relief.

No matter what payroll solution you are currently using, you will generate more profit with Payroll Relief from AccountantsWorld while reducing your firm's workload. LEARN MORE

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At AccountantsWorld, we value the crucial role that YOU play in core business services - accounting and payroll - just as much as you do.

That's why, since 2003, we've used the unprecedented power of the cloud to put you back in full control of your accounting and payroll services so you can best serve your clients, while raising your own firm's value and relevance. And we never sell our products or services directly to your clients.

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