TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 26, 2016

How the Media Totally Botched the 2016 Primary Coverage

Adam Johnson, AlterNet

Media saturation helped propel the two candidates into the frontrunner status from which they have never looked back. READ MORE»

Bernie Sanders, the Man Who Rewrote the Rules of Political Attraction, Woos California

Rev. Madison Shockley, Truthdig

"This crowd didn’t believe in Bernie Sanders as much as they believed Bernie Sanders." READ MORE»

Of All the Reasons Ted Cruz Shouldn’t Be President, Infidelity Alone Shouldn’t be One of Them

Mary Elizabeth Williams, Salon

Cruz is the worst! But attacks on his private life also contribute to a toxic culture around sex and privacy. READ MORE»

Did Obama Blow It by Not Nominating a Progressive to the Supreme Court?

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The GOP Senate isn't budging and Democrats are unmoved. READ MORE»

Meet 5 Highranking Members of the Trump Campaign's Coterie of Kooks

By Jonah Allon, AlterNet

If the measure of a man is the company he keeps, we're in deep trouble.  READ MORE»

Dear Oprah, Shut Up About This Being the Year of Our Best Bodies Ever

By Carrie Saum , Ravishly

Bread is not the enemy. Neither is fat. The diet industry that you have literally bought into is. READ MORE»

The Rise and Fall of the Diaphragm

By A.J. P'Connell, The Establishment

Once the most popular birth control, diaphragms are disappearing. Why?  READ MORE»

How Insomnia and Mental Illness Are Linked

By Jo Abbott, The Conversation

Studies show that more sleep means better mental and emotional health.  READ MORE»

Denied Contraception, Catholic Mother of Disabled Child Questions Church Teachings—at Her Peril

By Valerie Tarico, AlterNet

Why would religious believers rain such abuse on a woman who is honestly struggling? READ MORE»

Exposing a For-Profit College's Cynical Project to Make Money From Kids With Low Self-Esteem

By Annie Waldman, Pro Publica

Newly released emails and PowerPoints show firsthand Corinthian Colleges’ predatory practices. READ MORE»

Grandpa Who Spent 22 Years in Prison for Ounce of Cocaine Finally Gets Clemency

By Anthony Papa, AlterNet

The governor of Oklahoma finally sees the light. READ MORE»

Thousands Want GOP to Let Angry Voters Bring Guns to Republican Convention in Case of ISIL Attack

By Bethania Palma Markus, Raw Story

Americans for Responsible Open Carry filed the petition with, as of Friday morning it had garnered nearly 12,000 signatures. READ MORE»

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