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Good morning Voornaam


It's Friday, the sun is due to come out this weekend and now is absolutely the time to treat yourself to a breakfast pastry and a steaming hot cup of coffee. Take a break from whatever you're doing, and have a moment. After that, check out the top stories of the day right here. 


First up, we have analysis from our Political Editor Alistair Grant on how the SNPs election launch was completely overshadowed by the Michael Matheson saga. 

"Elections can be chaotic and unpredictable. Politicians might have their pre-prepared soundbites, but events have a habit of getting in the way. Just ask First Minister John Swinney."

Read more here


Next up, our Environmental Correspondent asks "How do Scots feel about LEZs as fines rollout looms?" 

"LEZs are designated areas where only vehicles with exhaust emissions below a set level are allowed entry, with fines for drivers whose motors do not pass.



"Their introduction is aimed at lowering air pollution, one of the biggest killers of humans worldwide."

Read more here

And lastly, something a bit more diverting perhaps, Susan Morrison talks us through the story of Marie Stopes, the Edinburgh-born sexual revolutionary who blew the doors off Britain's bedrooms. 

She published a book called Married Love in 1918, and Susan explains: 

"It was a no-holds-barred look at how to keep a marriage happy, and Stopes made no bones about it, joyful matrimonial friskiness was utterly essential. As she writes in chapter ten, “each coming together of man and wife, even if they have been mated for many years, should be a fresh adventure.”

Read more about this fascinating woman here

Lastly, don't forget you can keep up to date with news with our daily live blog right here

Have a lovely day, and a joyous weekend. 


The team at The Scotsman 




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Buying London is a property show for those who love gold taps and sex references
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