Social nets push Americans to get out and vote

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CIO Government

Nov 07, 2016
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How the White House's social media accounts will transition to the next president

The White House will give up its social media accounts to the next President in just a few months. Here's how it will happen. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Social nets push Americans to get out and vote
10 cybersecurity questions Trump and Clinton should answer
Big thinking at the SSA: Lessons in communication and respect from its departing CIO
UK government to spend $2.3 billion to bolster cybersecurity
US government warns China to play fair in the chip market
European antitrust charges ignore online shopping market, Google says
US government's software sharing website launched

White Paper: Pegasystems Inc

eBook Achieving Proactive Government

How can government customer service improve lives? Serving the public interest is the reason government was established and continues to be its lifeblood and purpose. Yet times have changed. Read More

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Social nets push Americans to get out and vote

Facebook, Twitter and Google, are continuing their push to get Americans to the polls for next week's presidential election providing information to users on the candidates as well as the basics on where to vote and on ballot questions by state. Read More

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10 cybersecurity questions Trump and Clinton should answer

The presidential candidates were too busy trading barbs in the debates rather than focusing on how to keep the cyber space safe. Read More

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Big thinking at the SSA: Lessons in communication and respect from its departing CIO

There are lessons we can all take from Robert “Rob” Klopp's work as CIO at the Social Security Administration. The most important may be this one: Communication and respect go a long way toward opening minds and connecting with colleagues. Read More

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UK government to spend $2.3 billion to bolster cybersecurity

The U.K. government will spend £1.9 billion (US $2.3 billion) over the next five years to pump up its cybersecurity defenses and pay for new research, Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond said. Read More

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US government warns China to play fair in the chip market

A battle between the U.S. government and China is now brewing in semiconductors, which is the foundation of electronics. Read More

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European antitrust charges ignore online shopping market, Google says

Google has rejected European Commission antitrust charges related to its online shopping search service, saying the online shopping marketplace is "robustly competitive." Read More

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US government's software sharing website launched, a U.S. government website for promoting the sharing of custom-developed software code, was launched Thursday with listings of nearly 50 open-source projects from various government agencies. Read More

Evaluating PaaS? Focus on speed, compliance and cost

As tech giants battle for cloud dominance, businesses looking to offload heavy-duty infrastructure tasks are reaping hefty rewards from platform-as-a-service offerings. Here’s how three IT leaders mixed and matched their powerful yet flexible PaaS packages.

Inside a hyperscale data center (how different is it?) took a tour of Microsoft’s hyperscale data center in Quincy, Washington. What we saw shows how far cloud data centers have come in a decade.

A chance to win $500? Take Computerworld's 2017 Salary Survey

The annual salary survey shines a bright light on IT compensation. The more respondents, the better the results will be – and participants can enter a drawing to win 1 of 3 $500 American Express gift checks. Take the 2017 IT Salary Survey today.

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