Dear SmartTrader,

Ryan here. 

I just posted a brand new video revealing the potential to turn 10k into 1.14 million.

To give you a comparison, during the same time period, the S&P 500 only grew 10k into just over 67k.

This happens when certain “triggers” occur increasing the probability of a stock moving higher over a short period of time. 

This can be anywhere from two weeks to three months on average. 

Take A Look At These Triggers:

  • XOM Soared to a 155% Annualized Return in SIX Weeks
  • SCHL Scored a 162% Annualized Return in EIGHT Weeks
  • DIS Produced a Quick 232% Annualized Return in 26 Days
  • YUM Created an Annualized Return of 99% in 44 Days

These returns are possible because I’m not trying to pick tops or bottoms. 

These trades are looking at historical market activity to determine entry and exits

By limiting time exposure in stocks, we are decreasing our risk exposure while increasing our overall annualized return. 

This has led to 77% winners across 494 trades, with an average annualized return win/lose/draw of 51%. 

You are going to want to watch this brand-new video.

Trade Smart, Retire Wealthy.

Ryan Jones
Smart Trading Founder

 p.s.  We have compiled an incredible group of stocks, and we give you the EXACT ENTRY AND EXIT ALERTS

 Watch The Video NOW