The Marketer’s 3-Step Guide to Building an Analytics Framework

If there’s a new normal for consumers, it’s that there isn’t one.

In just the last couple months, consumer behaviors have shifted dramatically - from how they use media to how they shop. For instance, 37% said in late March they shopped for groceries using digital platforms more, up from 11% earlier that month, according to eMarketer and CivicScience.

The upheaval will continue. It’s essential for marketers to keep up.

With this three-step analytics framework guide, brands can more nimbly:

◼ Get organizational alignment
◼ Pivot quickly to better manage marketing investments
◼ Break down silos for swift optimization and innovation
◼ Integrate insights for smarter forecasting and planning
...and more

Learn how brands use an agile analytics framework to drive better business results.


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