What’s my secret? It’s a chart pattern called the “Squeeze”.
October 1, 2024
Most investors think home run trades require luck…

But I “cracked the code” and have hit more 7-figure home run trades than ever before.

This trading system helped me identify my biggest single trade ever, a $5 million trade in GOOGL.

What’s my secret? It’s a chart pattern called the “Squeeze”.

And using my Squeeze Pro trading system, I’m able to predict explosive moves with 75% accuracy.

It’s my biggest trade timing breakthrough and it stands the test of time.

Why is the Squeeze Pro such a game-changer? Because it’s a system, not just an indicator.

Let me show you how it works, and how you can start using it on your charts in my FREE trading class.

You can sign up for it completely free. 

Interested in learning more? Check it out!

Good Trading,
John Carter
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