How to Achieve and Maintain
a Healthy Gut Microbiome

Within the colon, beneficial bacteria aid in the digestion of food and keep harmful bacteria in check. They also play a vital role in the health of our immune system. What we eat directly affects the type of bacteria that populate our colon. By changing from a diet based on animal and highly processed foods to whole plant foods, you can suppress the growth of harmful bacteria and stimulate those that are beneficial. Only plant foods contain the microflora-nourishing sugars that allow beneficial bacteria to thrive.

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"I had covid, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity. I needed and wanted guidance and support. My GP had said to lose weight and exercise but that was it. I wanted someone to teach me what and how to do it!" - Loretta L.

Ready to Feel Good Again?

Save your spot for our next program on February 18 - March 1, 2022. Contact us at or 1-800-941-7111 with questions or help with your booking.

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Do you have questions about whether your ailment can be helped, reversed or cured by a change in diet? We offer a 25-minute consultation where you can have your general questions answered and find out if our 12-Day McDougall Program is right for you. We can only give you general information and not personal medical advice during this initial consultation because we legally cannot give medical advice unless you are a patient of ours. If you decide to join the 12-Day McDougall Program, 100% of the consult fee will go towards the program enrollment. After the completion of the 12-Day McDougall Program, you will become a patient for life and we’ll be there for you to address your personal medical concerns.
New Patient Consultation

2022 Truth About Weight Loss Summit

John McDougall, MD joins host Chef AJ for a free online event, The Truth About Weight Loss from February 12-20, 2022. This life-changing event will feature 40 of the world's leading researchers, doctors and dietitians. The 9 days include:

  • Live broadcasts and interactions 
  • 4-5 expert interviews each day
  • Cooking demos and recipes
  • Prize giveaways
  • Replays and an encore weekend

Check out the lineup for this event here

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Submit your questions! We have a new AMA series where Dr. McDougall will answer your specific questions. Answers will be posted on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
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We're sharing our favorite recipes, giving tips on how to thrive on a starch-based diet and answering your specific questions.
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