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The Voice of the DBA

How Much AI Do We Need?

This editorial was originally published on Apr 20, 2020. I thought it was interesting to look back on these thoughts this holiday season after a couple of years in the Generative AI/LLM hype cycle. To what extent do you think AI is gadgetry or is it useful for database professionals.

I like to cook and bake. The act of putting something together relaxes me, and I've certainly had plenty of time in 2020 to do this. In fact, I've been doing so much that my wife and daughter ordered me a new stand mixer while I was making them cookies this past weekend. They thought it would make it easier for me to continue to prepare more meals when life returns to some sort of normalcy.

I'm not a chef, and I certainly struggle through some recipes, but I enjoy the time working through the act of assembling something. I also struggle with fitting in the time to prepare things around an otherwise busy life. When I saw this article on smart appliances, I stopped to think that some of these might be nice, but perhaps they're also reduce some of the skills I've built and perhaps make my time in the kitchen less enjoyable. Would I become dependent on them, entitled, or even less excited about the task of cooking?

It's something I hadn't considered too often, especially in other areas where AI and "smart" items are becoming more commonplace. I think some of advances in the data platform are good, and certainly some of the cloud services handle tasks that are fairly simple and they do them well. Backups happening in many of the PaaS services are mostly something we don't need to configure or worry about, though we ought to be sure we know how to actually perform a restore. I have high hopes for some of the index automation and other changes, though there is a ways to go.

Is the use of more AI in systems better? In some sense I think this can help us cope with busier and more complex lives, and allow us time to focus on the things we want to focus on. At the same time, I suspect these systems aren't as mature as the marketing suggests, and the options certainly command a premium, which is something that might benefit the vendor more than the consumer.

Like any advance, this could be helpful or hurtful for any of us. I like to assemble things from scratch more often than not, and I'm not sure if I think the AI gadgetry is something I'd enjoy. For now, I'm taking a small step, with a little mechanical assistance that might let me less time on the physical activity of combining things and more time planning my next steps or chatting with the audience that is often sitting at the counter.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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SQLServerCentral Article

How to Attach and Detach Databases in SQL Server

Noman072 from SQLServerCentral

Learn how to effectively attach and detach databases in SQL Server, exploring the differences between these methods and traditional backup and restore procedures. Streamline your database management tasks with clear, step-by-step instructions.

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GUID in SQL Server​

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This tip's objective is to present and describe several T-SQL examples for creating, using, and analyzing GUIDs and assessing their uniqueness.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Book Review – Agile Data Warehouse Design

Koen Verbeeck from Koen Verbeeck

I recently read the book Agile Data Warehouse Design – Collaborative Dimensional Modeling, from Whiteboard to Star Schema (quite the title) by Lawrence Corr and Jim Stagnitto. The book...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Changing the Origin in Git–#SQLNewBlogger

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from The Voice of the DBA

I needed to show a customer how to migrate from Azure DevOps to GitHub recently, and to smooth this process, we needed to repoint the origin remote. Another post...

Learn Microsoft Fabric: A practical guide to performing data analytics in the era of artificial intelligence

Site Owners from SQLServerCentral

A step-by-step guide to harness the power of Microsoft Fabric in developing data analytics solutions for various use cases


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


What is Terraform?

What is Terraform (from Hashicorp) used for in technology?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

The Funny Dynamic SQL

What happens when I run this code:

EXEC sp_executesql N'PRINT 1; GO';

Answer: A syntax error is returned

Explanation: This returns a syntax error near Go. Go isn't a T-SQL command, but rather an IDE notation that a batch has ended. Ref: GO -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




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