John, what might YOU LEARN as a channel? 

What might you see, discover, begin, or create? 

Think of the great philosophers, artists, writers, composers, inventors, mystics, and sages… 

All of them channeled higher wisdom to bring forth new ideas and gifts into the world, and YOU have the same potential. ❤️

On March 15 I’m bringing back my super popular ART OF CHANNELING course with Sara Landon (globally-celebrated channel of The Council). 👇

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During this 4-week course, you’ll learn how to use channeling for: 

  • Heightened intuition and clarity
  • Deeper levels of peace and expansion
  • Communication with loved ones who’ve crossed over
  • Answers from your angels and guides on the other side
  • Freedom from limiting beliefs and fears
  • Enhanced creativity & inspiration to write, paint, and create 
  • Access to hidden gifts and undiscovered talents
  • Raised vibration and consciousness in each moment
  • A renewed sense of purpose and passion for life
  • A quieter mind and access to infinite wisdom 

The Art of Channeling starts March 15 – This will be WOW!

You're already a channel, John... learn to use it!

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