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November 15, 2016

"The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything but the value of nothing." – Philip Fisher

How to Break the Shackles of the Financial Industry


By Mark Ford

I am not an investment professional. I have never made any money managing other people’s money. I went from rags to riches the old-fashioned way: by working hard and then investing my income as carefully as I could.

Because I’d done well on my own, I never considered seeking financial advice. Then a funny thing happened. I woke up one day with the thought that I should have a “professional” manage some of my money.

I interviewed two firms. One was a boutique business based in New York City that a friend recommended. The other was a private banking facility for one of the world’s largest brokerages.

The boutique firm was happy to take $100,000 of my money to get started. The other company wanted a minimum of $10 million. They both had fancy offices and pretty marketing brochures. But such frills scare me. They make me think, “Gee, these guys must be charging their customers a lot to afford all this stuff.” 

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7 Rules for Health and Fitness


The Stopwatch Trick to Making More Money


One Tip to Improve Communication

Notwithstanding my trepidations, I worked with both of them for about six months. I answered their questions about my tolerance for risk (little to none). I listened to their presentations. And then I did something that I bet few of their clients ever do.

I started asking them questions. And I kept pushing them to explain why I should believe that they could help me become wealthier.

What I got instead was clever circumlocution. A financially sophisticated version of what you’d expect from your teenage son if you pestered him about why he didn’t come home until four in the morning.

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Those discussions convinced me that these guys could not manage my money better than I had been managing it.

To be fair, they certainly knew more about investment products than I did. But they didn’t know more about how to become wealthy. 

These guys were smart. They had graduate degrees from great schools. They spoke eloquently. They seemed so… so… inside the game. I wanted them to be better than me. I really did.

But they really didn’t seem to care whether their services would make me richer or poorer. The contracts they wanted me to sign were going to put money in their pockets regardless. That didn’t feel right.

In the end, I told both of my elite financial planners to take a hike. And I went back to managing my money myself.

Seeing Only 20% of the Big Picture

The investment advisory industry is a huge multibillion-dollar business based on hard work, clever thinking, and sophisticated algorithms. But also on one teensy-weensy lie.

The lie is that you can grow wealthy investing in stocks and bonds.

It’s not a big, black lie. But the unfortunate truth is the financial establishment rarely looks beyond stocks and bonds. And if you think about it, why would it want to? It makes its money by ushering you from one “hot” stock or “amazing” fund to the next.

Wall Street wants you to think the stock (and sometimes the bond) markets are the only places you can make money. And because they know that you have heard that “diversification of assets” is good, they give you the illusion of diversification by having your stock portfolio invested in businesses that are “diversified” into manufacturing, retail, global trade, natural resources, etc.

This is, as I said, an illusion. At the end of the day, it’s all invested in stocks or stock derivatives. The result? More risk and less potential wealth gain for you.

So start by deconstructing the little lie.

Building wealth involves much more than just investing in stocks and bonds. Most rich people get that way by consistently doing the following nine things:

1.    Giving top priority to increasing their net investible wealth with more income, not maximizing returns
2.    Spending less as a percentage of net income as it grows so they can save more
3.    Understanding debt and using it occasionally and strategically to build wealth
4.    Investing in stocks and bonds with discipline—i.e., without expecting to get returns that are much higher than market averages
5.    Insuring themselves against “black swan” events but not investing with the hope of profiting from them
6.    Owning tangible, portable, and non-reportable assets as a reserve that can be tapped into at opportune moments
7.    Investing in safe real estate—i.e., income producing properties
8.    Investing directly in private enterprises and other “outside Wall Street” opportunities
9.    Keeping a substantial store of cash to be used when “cash becomes king.”

As you can see, investing in stocks and bonds is only one of nine strategies you must follow to become rich, but that was the only one the two money management firms I tried cared about.

Editor's note: If you can’t reasonably expect to get rich with just stocks and bonds, what can you do? Mark has an idea for you… It’s something he calls “subversive income.” Read on here to learn more.


About the Author: Mark Morgan Ford was the creator of Early To Rise. In 2011, Mark retired from ETR and now writes the Palm Beach Letter. His advice, in our opinion, continues to get better and better with every essay, particularly in the controversial ones we have shared today. We encourage you to read everything you can that has been written by Mark.




7 Rules for Health and Fitness


From Early to Rise


Good overall health is a balance of many aspects in life: a healthy diet, regular exercise, getting enough sleep, professional and personal care, and healthy social interactions. But with the many stressors in life, it can be quite challenging to maintain good health.

Here are some fundamental steps to help you achieve better health and fitness:

1) Stay hydrated. Keeping yourself hydrated does not only fuel your cells, it also helps in regulating body temperatures and heart rate. Water is one of the main things you lose if you are doing an exercise and it is important to replenish what is lost to keep your body hydrated.

2) Eat before and after working out. Before you work out, you need to have protein and slow-burning carbohydrates to help fuel you while doing intense exercises. Post-workout meals are also essential because these are your recovery meals. A good option is a protein shake of your choice.

3) Set realistic goals. Goal setting in fitness and health should be SMART- specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bounded. You should also keep in mind that what you come up with are not recipes for disappointment. Start by making a realistic timeline and see to it that you are on the right track.

Read the rest here.





The Stopwatch Trick to Making More Money


By Dave Kekich, Creator, The 100 Kekich Credos


When I sold residential real estate, I was average. And average translated to a hand-to-mouth existence. I wanted more, so I did an eye-opening exercise. It started by buying a stopwatch. Whenever I engaged in an income earning activity, the stopwatch ran. When I didn’t I turned it off.

I was stunned by how pathetically little productive time I discovered I spent. Seemingly busy, yes. Productive, no. That forced me to use more of my time actually WORKING. It wasn’t long before I soared to leading the whole company in listings by far, and even sales. And amazingly, the most active hours I ever logged in a week was… 17. Try this. You’ll be shocked – and enriched. That’s it. Time IS your most valuable resource, your most precious commodity. So how are you spending yours?  Who will you have become in a year… 525,600 minutes from now?  Or even in 315,360,000 seconds?  (That's 10 years from now.) Where you are in life will be determined by how you spend your time now.

Get all 100 Kekich Credos here.





One Tip to Improve Communication


By Verne Harnish


Good coaches create a common language to streamline communication. Besides emphasizing the importance of Topgrading in this Forbes article, David Schnurman, CEO Lawline (largest provider of online legal education), goes on to detail how implementing a common language completely transformed his growth firm. Specifically:

The overall consensus is that we have completely transformed by focusing on 3 major areas 1) transparency of information, 2) alignment of departments, and 3) active participation by creating a forum for employees to share their concerns or challenge without fear.

Please take 2 minutes to scan through David's article for more details.Thank you, David.


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