You’ll learn from T.Clay Buck, CFRE, founder of Tactical Fundraising Solutions, who helps nonprofits support donor-centered fundraising that’s powered by quality data to raise money more efficiently. You’ll also get firsthand advice from a nonprofit executive who is overseeing a data overhaul and transition to a new database.
They’ll explain
how to focus your efforts during Covid-19 and ensure consistent record-keeping for the long term. And you’ll get
real-world examples of customized donor communications, based on reliable data, that boosted fundraising results. Plus, you’ll get a
sample user manual you can adapt for your nonprofit.
Register today to learn:
- How to identify trouble spots in your database and create plans to correct them
- How to foster a culture that values data and ensures consistent record keeping
- Tips for ongoing maintenance and documentation to protect data quality for the long term
Sign up to take advantage of our special discount and get 40% off the regular price.
This session qualifies for 1.25 CFRE credits.