18,833 people have taken this course

I used to lie awake at night and worry about work, family, friends, boyfriends. Honestly, I would obsess about all of it. And while all these thoughts and emotions were going on inside I rarely expressed any of them. Instead, a colleague would knock on my cubicle while I was in the middle of something and I'd roll my eyes and say in a passive aggressive tone, "what can I do for you now." Or my boyfriend would ask me to empty the water out of the tea kettle and I'd argue about why leaving it there made sense. Sometimes someone even asking me a simple question like what do you want for lunch would be difficult to answer. There was so much clutter in my head that I couldn't focus or slow down to express myself accurately. Everything irked me and had me reacting impulsively damaging my relationships. Of course I wanted to interact differently I just didn't know how.

So I went out and learned everything I could about how to communicate to express myself in a clear, direct, and accurate way. And after years of reading, going to lectures / seminars, and retreats I came up with a practice grounded in the elements of right speech in Buddhism that takes away the clutter, cultivates kind and calm conversations, and helps shift us out of the internal chatter and into the present moment.

Conscious Communication

In this course you'll learn:
  • To speak consciously, clearly, and concisely without anxiety
  • To respond instead of react
  • To speak in a way that's kind, honest, and helpful
  • To know when to speak and when to stay quiet
  • To stay engaged when listening
  • To express yourself so that others can hear you
  • To nip potential problems in the bud before they become meltdowns
  • To be comfortable in silence — no longer needing to fill the space

    What People Are Saying

    Working with Cynthia with this program reset the way that I think about communication. It gave me a system to increase mindfulness in the everyday and gave me tools to analyze, understand and combat communication pitfalls I thought to be almost insurmountable. - Ingrid, New York, New York

    The work on communication has really stuck with me and I find myself reflecting on my communication style often now. It has helped me to pause and reframe how I feel in certain situations, especially stressful ones, and allow myself time to consider how I want to respond rather than doing so impulsively. - Madison, Oakland, CA

    About Cynthia Kane

    Cynthia Kane teaches the skill of empowered communication. She helps men and women change their communication routines so they feel in control of their words and understood at work and at home. Her work has been featured in the Washington Post, BBC Travel, Yoga Journal, The Huffington Post, Woman's Day, Mind Body Green, The Chicago Tribune, and more. Hierophant Publishing published her most recent book, How To Communicate Like a Buddhist, in April 2016.

    How Does It Work?

    Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every week for 8 weeks (total of 8 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

    Get Started Now

    We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

    How much do you want to pay?


    This is the total amount for all 8 lessons