BioOx Air Cleaning Systems

How to Create Safe, Indoor Pool Air

BioOx Air Cleaning System for Indoor Pools

You have a beautiful indoor aquatics facility. But where are your swimmers? How do you safely welcome back athletes and leisure swimmers now that U.S. facilities are re-opening despite the continued threat of COVID-19 transmission? BioOx®, a 100 percent natural solution, scientifically proven to fully destroy viruses and other airborne contaminants, is the only answer.

The U.S. economy has reopened, yet many avid swimmers are hesitant to engage in the sport they love. Your facility has invested in and maintains a beautiful aquatics center that month after month sees a handful, at best, of once loyal swimmers who frequented your pool numerous times a week -- before the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted every aspect of our lives.

Air -- pure, clean air -- is vital to all health. Countless articles from meritorious publications such as Harvard University School of Public Health Journal, Scientific American and Nature Magazine along with hundreds of virologists at the CDC, World Health Organization, university research centers and pharmacological laboratories around the world all have one big message: 

The Coronavirus Is Airborne.

Yet, standard air filtration systems – even those created with HEPA technology -- do not eradicate the coronavirus, nor other dangerous viruses, bacteria, contaminants, and micro-particulates in the air from dust, fibers, and other sources.

When these particulates hover in and circulate through our air space, not only do we breathe them in and compromise our lungs, but micro-contaminants such as those that cause the coronavirus most readily transmit through our eyes, not our lungs, creating an especially significant challenge in safeguarding our health. Further, hours after persons carrying viruses have left a room, the substances remain in the air, active and infectious, creating an unacceptable hazard.

Why aren’t the lauded and very expensive HEPA systems effective? HEPA-based HVAC systems merely slow viral transmission at best, but the BioOx® reactor DESTROYS the smallest of micro-particulates utilizing a natural enzyme mixed with water -- our proprietary BioOx® media. BioOx® reactors are relatively small units made from recyclable materials that emit a natural enzyme to SCRUB the air, creating a CLEAN AIR ZONE in your pool area or any other part of your facility, such as locker rooms, offices, cafeterias, etc. Best of all, BioOx® technology, while extremely powerful in performance, is simple and compact, without an arduous “installation” required: the quiet units simply plug into electrical outlets. No drilling, construction, rewiring or filter maintenance of any kind necessary. Every facility is already BioOx®-ready!!

Bio Ox Air Cleaning System Unit CAP 300

How BioOx® Works

The BioOx® enzyme attracts toxic micro-particulates that constantly circulate in indoor spaces, including the virus that causes H1N1 and numerous other viral and bacterial agents. Fan technology inside the reactor unit pulls these airborne toxins into the BioOx® reactor where a mixture of the BioOx® enzymatic and microbial media mixed with water fully DESTROYS the contaminants. Any contaminants the BioOx® media cannot fully break down and eradicate (such as metal particles) fall to the bottom of the reactor where they become inert disposable sediment. BioOx® systems fully decontaminate indoor air, rendering agents such as viruses, bacteria, dust, ammonia, and formaldehyde harmless.  

Bio Ox Air Cleaning System for Indoor Pools

The Creation of BioOx®

BioOx® was created by chemical engineer Sam Sofer, Ph.D., P.E., a former New Jersey State-sponsored Research Chair in Biotechnology at New Jersey Institute of Technology. In his research, Dr. Sofer recognized that most filtration systems are inadequate to properly scrub the air of viruses and contaminants. He was also dissatisfied with the many commercially available air cleaning systems that ADD chemicals and toxins to indoor air in a fruitless attempt to “purify” it.

Dr. Sofer’s research revealed that it takes something biological to destroy something biological. He then harnessed a naturally occurring enzyme that scientific studies (available at  demonstrated is the most superior air cleaning agent available. BioOx® works WITH nature, not against it, and is a super performer in creating the purest, freshest and healthiest indoor air.

Our Satisfied BioOx® Clients

BioOx® creates a dramatically healthier swimming environment for athletes and leisure swimmers alike, as well as a more enjoyable place for swim event spectators. BioOx® generally eliminates the all too common need for use of personal inhalers at indoor swimming pools, and it greatly reduces the incidence of red, irritated eyes for both swimmers and spectators alike. Further, BioOx® fully eradicates airborne odors of all kinds – no more overwhelming chlorine odor in your aquatics facility!! The only smell BioOx® leaves behind is the scent of pure, clean air!! But you don’t have to take our word for it. Our satisfied clients include the aquatics and facilities directors at New York University, Emory University, Princeton High School and the YMCA Hagerstown, among others. Here’s what the team at YMCA Hagerstown said:


Hagerstown YMCA is a BioOx client. Hear their story. 

Now’s the time to get your swimmers back in the building!! Scrub your air with BioOx® and everyone will breathe clean and swim safely!!

For a demo of the BioOx® technology, contact the BioOx® team at (301) 246-0151 or send us an email through our website

We look forward to serving you and providing your aquatics facility with the cleanest, purest and healthiest air possible 24/7, 365 days a year.

Learn More About BioOx
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