| Fast Company is looking to honor the companies whose cultures empower employees at all levels to improve processes, create new products, or invent new ways of doing business. To help craft the perfect application and optimize your company's chances of being honored, we've compiled some helpful tips we've seen from the best applications we've reviewed over the past few years. • Be specific - We're looking to honor companies that are accomplishing real innovation, not merely laying the groundwork for future breakthroughs. In other words, focus on real projects that have delivered measurable results. • Be precise - We want details. Who did what, when, and how? How'd the big idea come about? What initial hurdles needed to be overcome? How big was the team? How long did it take? How much investment was required? • Emphasize outcomes - Tell us exactly what was accomplished and what it means. What are the impacts or implications for the company, the industry and the broader community. • Tell a story - Exhaustive lists of initiatives are boring. Pick a project that seems most emblematic of your own particular culture of innovation and tell the story.
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