experiment TDE - I am new to TDE. I would like to try TDE on my sand box server. Also Like to try for...
RAM Required to run SQL Server + Web Application + SSIS packages - Production Server with following processes running: REST API hosted in IISSQL Server with Data - Majorly for Time sheet and Other application...
The target database, '', is participating in an availability group and is currently not accessible for queries. - Hi, I keep seeing this error in secondary node of the server. We dont have readable secondary. But the error only...
Stored procedure that passes in a string value and returns all occurrences of the search - Years ago, I found a stored procedure that would allow me to enter a string value and it would display...
Help with backup script - All, I have gotten this backup script from the web. It seems to work but it is overwriting to the...
CTE and UNION performance issue - I am optimizing an inline table-valued function that performs calculations by heavily using OVER, LEAD and LAG. At one stage,...
Multiple Values for Single Parameter in User Defined Function - Did anyone come across this scenario where a developer/analyst comes in and pass multiple values for Parameter so he/she can...
capturing failed commands and their targets.. - So.. I'm working on writing a generic CATCH block what will insert into a log table the following information: The table...
Quicker Way to Get Accurate Row Count - We are currently using SQL Server 2014 (enterprise) for our source system and data warehouse. Our ETL has a row...
SQL License instance(s) question; If I have 2 standard instances on one server, do I only need to pay for one license ?....and other variations license questions - I've googled A LOT, and I just cant seem to get the right answer, I really hope this community can...
link to a mdf database - So I created a MS SQL db , but now I cannot link to it. I WOULD like to create a database...
How can I identify employee records with the same hire and term dates? - The table has employee data. EmployeeID, HireDate, TermDate. Some records have the same EmployeeID and the Hire and Term dates...
Check multiple condition in sql query - Hi All, I have a table in which customer profile details such as name, address, dob etc are stored. Whenever customer...
Heap vs Clustered Wildcard Search - I am working on converting a heap table to a clustered table by adding a primary key to the identity...
Graph Tables - Thoughts? - Just wondered how much anyone has played with the new Graph Tables (Graph processing with SQL Server 2017). I'm having a...
Create a dataset from an existing dataset - Is it possible to create a dataset, write a query, based on the main dataset for the report? or should...
Finding the cause of blocking between processes - We are using the following code Select ER.Session_ID SPID, ER.Blocking_Session_ID BlockedBySPID, ER.Start_Time 'Start', ER.Status, ER.Command, Object_Name (TXT.ObjectID, ER.Database_ID) 'Object', dbo.SQLStatement (TXT.Text, ER.statement_start_offset, ER.statement_en
Rowcount SSIS - Dataflow task - I have a data flow task which basically select top 100K records and inserts into a table, i have put...
Rename server after renaming host - Hello, I know this seems like a basic question and a lot has been written on this, but I am...
Error during Login Process (to SQL Server 2005) - Hello all, I am using Management Studio to connect to a SQL Server 2005 Standard Ed + SP1. MStudio returns the following message: