When divorce strikes, the fallout can sink even the strongest business if not properly prepared – here are some legal strategies to apply that can protect your company

Industry insiders said there is a growing buzz around prospective partnerships between Indian and Dubai/UAE-based real estate companies for launching projects in India

UAE Golden Visa rule changes will bring new and diverse real estate investors to Dubai

Bulgari Resort and Residences mansion in Dubai on sale for $135m

The timeless wisdom of Marcus Aurelius’ Stoic practices provides strategic methods for developing perspective and resilience that can help us manage modern workplace stress and face life’s challenges with greater composure

The company reported record-breaking profits, with net profit soaring by 39 percent year-on-year to AED155 million

“Due to unforeseen circumstances, I’m no longer able to perform at Untold Festival. I love all of my fans in Dubai and hope to be back to perform soon,” the artist said

UAE Golden Visa rule changes will bring new and diverse real estate investors to Dubai

Hays Middle East Salary Guide shows labour market optimism in the Gulf and plans for pay rises

Dubai Land Department orders real estate agents to remove all fake property listings online

Indian cinema legend spoke of his love of Dubai and future career hopes at World Government Summit

Bharat Mart will be a MASSIVE Indian marketplace in Dubai and is set to open in 2026

Dubai and Sydney are leading gains in the luxury housing sector globally

Gulf economies could add an additional $2.5tn in the next ten years if they adapt new

Riyadh’s property market remains stronger than other Saudi cities due to ongoing economic growth and population increases spurred by the Regional HQ programme

Dubai’s RTA is looking to develop self-driving transport industry in the city

PureHealth Holding PJSC, the leading integrated healthcare platform in the Middle East, reports robust financial growth driven by strategic expansions and acquisitions, positioning the company as a global healthcare leader with strong revenue growth and sound financial health

GEMS Education values the family, often regarded as the invisible threads weaving the fabric of society, stand as pillars of culture and identity

Adapting business models, marketing strategies, and product offerings to suit local preferences is necessary for success

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