Trusted by 100,000 crypto investors.
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August 1, 2022

“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”
― Wilfred Peterson

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Blockchain Believers will continue to receive our daily newsletter, while free subscribers will receive updates on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

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Must Read
Today’s most important story for crypto investors.
True Believers are Holding On (Wall Street Journal): Finally, they've written an article about us.

While the mainstream media remains cautious of crypto, this piece covers a number of "Blockchain Believers" who stay invested. The article understands we are building a movement that is changing the world.

While the WSJ claims "a divide is growing between investors looking to make money and those who believe in crypto’s mission," we all know you can make money and believe in crypto's mission.

The article closes with a quote from Drew Larsen, a tech entrepreneur and bitcoin believer. He says, "I guess I would say I came for the money but stayed because of the philosophy.”

The world -- and even the Wall Street Journal -- is starting to believe.

Keep believing.
Your Money is Growing
Truth, in numbers.
When we surveyed Bitcoin Market Journal readers in the spring, your #1 most-requested feature was to "find out new crypto investing opportunities before the market."

We delivered that last month with our first-ever BUY ALERT for ETH and LDO. Those who jumped on the opportunity have made a handsome profit in just 10 days:
Investor takeaway: Our investing philosophy is to invest in the long-term gain, not the short-term profit. But it's nice when we can deliver both.
Best USDT Interest Rates
by Anatol Antonovici
One of the most popular features on Bitcoin Market Journal is our DeFi Interest Rates page. It's updated weekly with the best places to earn interest on your crypto (think traditional banking accounts, but with crypto assets instead).

In these uncertain times, more crypto investors are looking to earn money on their stablecoins, which provide the best of both worlds: the stability of U.S. dollar-denominated crypto AND opportunities to earn interest income.

We've pulled together the best interest rates for Tether(USDT) from the top five crypto savings platforms, with a deep dive into the mechanics of each:
At a time when traditional banks are paying an average of 0.11% APY, this is truly a long-term opportunity to put your idle assets to work. Click here to see the latest rates -- updated today!
In Case You Missed It
You're soaking in it.

So long, and thanks for all the tips.

Vitalik Buterin lays out the future of Ethereum.

Our analyst report on investing in the new LUNA (Premium content).

+ our first-ever BUY ALERT (that's already turned a profit).
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Bitcoin Market Journal is a daily newsletter that makes you a better crypto investor. It is created by John Hargrave, Nick Marinoff, Steve Walters, Anatol Antonovici, Daniel Joel, and Stephen Robert.

Paid subscribers get full access to our top crypto picks. Both free and paid subscribers get content to build you into a better investor.

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