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How to effectively engage in social media during LDS general conference

Here are some ideas for how to effectively engage in social media during LDS general conference.

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Missionary now in medically induced coma for injuries from Brussels bombing

Doctors have placed a missionary in a medically induced coma for injuries sustained during the Brussels attack.

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Roger and Melanie Hoffman reflect on experiences writing sacred music

For the Hoffmans, much of the music they write comes to them as a great surprise.

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Alex Boye, BYU Men's Chorus release videos of the Lord's Prayer in Swahili

Alex Boye, the BYU Men's Chorus and the BYU Philharmonic Orchestra performed "Baba Yetu."

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The Clean Cut: 3-year-old Utah girl covers 'Gethsemane' for Easter

In January, Claire Crosby's cover of "Part of Your World" garnered over 8 million views. See her new video.

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Wright Words: What do you get when a Catholic and a Mormon make a movie?

The creative duo behind "Once I Was a Beehive" is married. He's a Mormon, and she's Catholic.

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