Good morning, Marketer, data, data everywhere

Is this getting too complicated? We have first-party data and everyone knows what that is. We also have zero-party data which, despite the name, is a subset of first-party data. Then there’s third-party data which everyone thinks is going away, but I doubt it. Wait, what about second-party data?

People don’t talk much about second-party data because this is data that one brand (or publisher) sells to, or trades or exchanges with, another. Which feels a bit icky. But second-party data might be getting a refresh thanks to privacy-enhancing technologies that are making it possible to share the data without sharing personally identifying information. That really took off in the health sector in response to COVID where data needed to be widely and swiftly shared without compromising patient privacy. Which makes sense.

Now what about fourth-party data? Or zero-party data minus one?  

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

How to ensure the success of your CDP initiative

Before you engage with a CDP vendor, performing some due diligence upfront will make the evaluation process less painful.

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Converseon applies predictive analytics to conversation data

A new suite of solutions aims not just to evaluate data from conversational and social streams but use it to predict business outcomes.

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Setting client expectations with a thorough preliminary SEO analysis

There are at least three significant mutual benefits to performing a comprehensive data-driven SEO analysis of a new client’s website.

Here are five steps you need to take to have a successful client-agency relationship.

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Blurring of line between work and home creates a new consumer persona

Marketers are uncertain about the best way to connect with "workday consumers."

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Webinar Tomorrow! Get Started on Improving Your Customer Journey Experience

Delivering timely and relevant customer experiences separates your brand from the competition. But a CMO Council survey found that only 7% of marketers say they can provide real-time, data-driven engagements across all touchpoints. But adding omnichannel customer journey capabilities to your engagement strategy is easier than you think! Join our experts to learn more.

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Why a Netflix ad-supported tier would be exciting for advertisers

Financial woes for the streaming giant could have a silver lining for advertisers.

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Why we care about AI in marketing

Learn what AI marketing is and why it's important.

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What we’re reading. From tech research and advisory firm Constellation Research, here is the ESG50, fifty executives engaged in environmental, social and governance initiatives (published on Earth Day: April 22). Some familiar marketing tech and agency names on the list.

From Search Engine Land

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