Hello Voornaam, If you're running a smaller tax and accounting firm, you probably don't run your business the same way large firms do. Your tech stack is probably more focused on streamlining workflows, improving project tracking, and finding solutions for customer collaboration. And while that's great for building a flexible and responsive accounting firm, it also means that your firm is less likely to use data analytics tools to grow your business — which means you're missing out. A small practice incorporating the right strategies and tech-enabled services can set its clients up for success and the firm up for big-time growth. But how do you do it? In this webinar, our small firm technology experts Georgia Smith and Hillarie Diaz will cover:
- How to vet various tech tools – including tools that your firm is already using to ensure that they're still the best option for your firm
- The importance of making sure that your tech stack is fully integrated
- Why data analytics may be your firm's competitive advantage
- How to find and build the right tech stack for your firm