"Make a to-do list and keep it handy. This is one technique to help you keep on track to achieve your personal and professional goals. This can be on an index card that you keep in your pocket or a note on your smartphone."— Edward T. Creagan, M.D.
Overcome Obstacles
Friends and family: How to deal with diet saboteurs
Often, the people you spend the most time with — your family, friends and co-workers — may create high-risk eating situations for you. This could be an intentional attempt to undermine your weight-loss effort from a jealous friend or sibling, or it could be unintentional because many people don't understand how difficult it is to eat healthfully on a consistent, ongoing basis. To stay focused on your goals, you need to know how to manage negative influences in your social circles. Review these scenarios and make a plan for the next challenge a potential saboteur presents.
Stay on course with this advice »
Move More
10 tips to get your family moving
Children and adults need daily physical activity to stay healthy. In fact, it's recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week — and more if you're trying to lose weight — while kids should get at least 60 minutes of active play a day. Put the fun in fitness and get everyone excited about physical activity.

Stay active with these suggestions »
Today's Exercise Tip
Start a lunchtime walking group
Motivate co-workers, friends or neighbors to move more with you by starting a walking group during lunchtime. The regular routine and support will help you stick with the program and stay positive as you strive toward achieving your goals.


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