How to Handle Your Author Bio |
That said, future authors constantly ask me (and other publishing professionals) how to handle their author bios in their queries and book proposals. Honestly, it is a part of the query that has more potential to harm a pitch than help. So here's a quick list of what to include and exclude in author bios. Click to continue. |
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| Guide to Literary Agents 2018 | Get the ultimate guide to literary agents with hundreds of listings for literary agents and how to create submissions they'll love! | $29.99 $24.99 | |
Robert Lee Brewer and Brian A. Klems share tips and funny encounters with literary agents (1:00), important advice for entering writing contests (11:30), and discuss how to approach an agent (and more) with literary agent Carly Watters (14:00). Listen Now... |
Make 2018 your best writing year yet by attending a spectacular writing conference with seven bestselling and award-winning authors and several literary agents without leaving your house by attending the 2018 Writer's Digest Virtual Conference for Novelists.
Receive instruction from the likes of James Scott Bell, Hallie Ephron, Barbara Samuel, Donald Maass, Charlie Holmberg, Philip Athans, and C. Hope Clark, in addition to a query letter critique from an experienced literary agent. Click to continue. |
Robert Lee Brewer Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Content Editor for the Writer's Digest Writing Community. He edits Writer's Market, directs online conferences, and writes for the magazine and website. Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer. |