best ladies' nights in Dubai

Grab your girls for a fabulous Saturday night out

Bets breakfasts in Dubai

Start your Saturday on a high

voyage by Amelia (3)

We’ve looked all around the city to find the coolest hidden bars

free things to do indoors in Dubai

Because it's still oh-so-hot

Dubai summer dining deals

Your last chance to grab some deals before August ends

Bouchra Khalili, <i>The Public Storyteller </i> (still), 2024. Commissioned and co-produced by Kunstenfestivaldesarts and Sharjah Art Foundation, co-commissioned by Festival d’Automne à Paris. Courtesy of the artist and mor charpentier, Paris © Bouchra Khalili

Partner Content: Immerse yourself in culture this autumn

Where to watch the Premier League in Dubai (Credit: Adobe Express)

Catch Arsenal vs. Brighton

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