It is that time of year when giving thanks is top of mind.
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November 22, 2016

"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others." – Marcus Tullius Cicero

How to Have an Attitude of Gratitude


By Andrew Merle

It is that time of year when giving thanks is top of mind. The holiday season, and Thanksgiving in particular, causes us to think about all of the special things in our lives and express gratitude for them.

This is a favorite time of year for many, in large part because we are surrounded by loved ones and visibly reminded of all that we have to be grateful for.

If you’re like me, you wish this feeling could last all year long. Just imagine feeling proud, thankful, and joyful on an ongoing basis, not only during the holiday season.

A major step in that direction is developing an “Attitude of Gratitude,” according to New York Times best-selling author Lewis Howes. Howes writes extensively about cultivating a grateful mindset in his highly-inspirational new book, The School of Greatness.

As Howes simply says, “Life is better if you develop an attitude of gratitude.”

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But what exactly does that mean and how do we do it?

An attitude of gratitude means making it a habit to express thankfulness and appreciation in all parts of your life, on a regular basis, for both the big and small things alike. As Howes puts it, “If you concentrate on what you have, you’ll always have more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never have enough.”

Here is a menu of tactics (just pick a few!) he endorses to help develop this mindset:

  • Wake up every day and express to yourself what you are grateful for
  • Tell whoever you are with at the end of the day the 3 things you are most grateful for
  • Tell whoever you are with right now (significant other, friend, family member, etc.) the three things that you are most grateful for in this moment
  • Start a gratitude journal — Express gratitude in this journal every night by noting the things that you are grateful for, proud of, and excited about
  • Acknowledge yourself for what you have done and accomplished in the last day/week/month/year. Instead of comparing yourself to others, give yourself credit for the big and small things you have been doing!
  • Acknowledge other people and thank them for inspiring/helping/supporting you — oftentimes people wait their whole lives to be acknowledged (and yet it happens far too infrequently)!

***********************SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT***********************

Special Announcement: The First-Ever ETR Black Friday Sale

While you recover from Thanksgiving or take a break from shopping (or just are enjoying a normal Friday), make sure to watch your email for a very special announcement from ETR Headquarters. You’re going to hear about an amazing DEAL on our best ever ETR resource for making more money and living the life of your dreams.

Stay tuned for the big reveal on Black Friday at 11 a.m. EST.


If the gratitude process is hard to get started, begin by asking yourself, “What could I be grateful for?” and see if the ideas start to flow. This is a mindset habit that is recommended by Tony Robbins in his book, Awaken the Giant Within.

Every day won’t be perfect, but focusing on what we are grateful for tends to wash away feelings of anger and negativity.

And in addition to improving mood, recent studies show that feeling and expressing gratitude leads to better physical health as well. Paul Mills, a Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, conducted studies that looked at the role of gratitude on heart health.

Among other things, he found that participants who kept a journal most days of the week, writing about 2–3 things they were grateful for (everything from appreciating their children to travel and good food), had reduced levels of inflammation and improved heart rhythm compared to people who did not write in a journal. And the journal-keepers also showed a decreased risk of heart disease after only 2 months of this new routine!

So try adopting some of the above tactics, even just one or two, in order to develop an overall grateful mindset. It takes a bit of work, but having an attitude of gratitude is one of the most impactful habits for a fulfilling and healthy life.

Here’s to Thanksgiving all year round!


About the Author: Andrew Merle writes about living well, including good habits for happiness, health, productivity, and success. Subscribe to his e-mail list at and follow him on Twitter.




Happy People


By Craig Ballantyne


Who is the happiest person you know and why are they happy? What can you learn from them? Also, according to research reviewed by Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, happiness is…

1. Having perceived control over your life.

2. Feeling that progress is being made.

3. Having relatedness/supportive connection to other people 4. Having a vision/meaning (being part of something bigger).

Get Tony Hsieh's book, Delivering Happiness here.




Craig's Copywriting Basics


By Craig Ballantyne


Selling, persuasion, and copywriting are three of the most important skills that any business owner or employee can have.

But I'm worried you might not be understanding the fundamentals of copy (known as "salesmanship in print."

So I want you to do two things.

1) Listen to this copywriting teleseminar I did for my coaching clients. (Listen to the free audio here.)

2) And follow-along with notes to the seminar here.





What Really Matters


By Robert MacDonald, The Maximus Body


Many of us spend our lives chasing wealth but in the process miss out on some of life's most precious moments. Moments that cannot be equated with a monetary figure. Moments that are once in a lifetime that no amount of money can buy back.

We are obsessed with keeping up with our neighbors, competing with others, and accomplishing things that in the end are meaningless. We yearn to be rich in wealth and status but neglect to see the riches we have in front of us in our day to day lives. In the end, what matters is not how much money we have made or what we own. It doesn't even matter how long we've lived.

What matters is how fully we've lived. The good we've done, the friends we've made, the families we have created and the love we've shared along the way. There are always more important things to be found in life than money and chances are they are sitting right in front of you.

Read more from Robert.

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