Good morning, Marketer, surf’s up!

The best way to cut through email clutter is by helping, not selling. B2B has known that for a while, but B2C is still catching up. However, being helpful means being sure your data is good. Kath Pay’s article today gives three real world examples of emails gone astray because of wrong information.

Also, it turns out the holiday shopping season began about two months ago. Our story here explains what is on consumers’ minds that is making the season start so early. 

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

How bad data can spoil good personalization

Don't let bad data poison your email relationship with your clients. Learn how to avoid personalization failures in your email program.

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New Taboola feature fights fake news on social media

The update helps publishers and manufacturers guide readers to reliable news sources.

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How video SEO can boost your overall digital marketing strategy

Uncovering video opportunities to increase traffic, boost engagement, improve conversions and produce more helpful content.

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What will have the biggest impact on consumer holiday shopping?

Brand loyalty is out, retail loyalty is in -- if there's a deal.

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Compare 12 top marketing automation software platforms

This MarTech guide examines the market for B2B marketing automation software platforms and the considerations involved in implementation. Compare of top vendors, and learn about the latest trends, opportunities, and challenges.

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5 steps to martech stack success

How to be sure you're in the driver's seat, not the vendor.

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Questions to ask vendors before buying a customer journey orchestration solution

Important steps to take and questions to ask when narrowing the CJO field.

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Email marketing is continually developing. Are you keeping up?

External factors like Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection and Hide My Email mean that marketers continually need to adapt. Download this MarTech guide to stay up to date.

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How Hollywood and streaming series are revolutionizing virtual events

Little Cinema used to design in-person premieres. Now they’re transforming the virtual and hybrid playbook for Hollywood.

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