InformationWeek Leadership & Careers
How CIOs Drive Value; Ways Mentors Can Help Close the Gender Gap; Old School IT Recruiting

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InformationWeek Leadership careers
May 01, 2024

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How to Manage a Rapidly Growing IT Team
Maintaining IT staff performance and efficiency during rapid growth requires careful planning and structure. Here's how to expand your team without missing a beat.

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How Today’s CIOs Drive Value

Modern chief information officers need to drive value for their company and its customers, which means their employers can no longer afford to view IT as a cost center.
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The Role that Mentors Play in Closing the Gender Gap

Mentoring staff members makes a difference. Here's how you can use it productively to develop in-house talent.
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Hiring Hi-Tech Talent by Kickin’ It Old School

Using elements of a traditional approach to recruiting IT professionals can attract and grow the modern workforce.
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Decentralized Renewables Fuel Sustainability
Advancements in renewable systems are giving companies greater control over their energy resources. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
5 Contactless Health Monitoring Platforms That Collect Data Noninvasively
Contactless technology is a form of remote health monitoring that uses AI to analyze vital signs, facial expressions, facial blood flow, or vocal behavior to detect medical issues faster than a more invasive physical exam. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Privacy, Surveillance & Tech: What FISA’s Renewal Means
Richard Searle, with Fortanix, and Cobun Zweifel-Keegan, with the International Association of Privacy Professionals, discuss the recent reauthorization that allows the collection of foreign intelligence within the US. Read More
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