Good morning Marketer, and how is time passing for you?

One of the intriguing consumer trends uncovered by Gartner in a new survey is a distorted perception of time (at a remarkable rate of 91% among Gen Z) which, among other things, hinders long-term planning.

Anyone else feeling that? My own experience is that days, unless packed with deadlines, seem much longer than they once did. I also spent last year blanking 2020, by which I mean I frequently referred to meeting people, or being at a conference, “last year.” But no, it was the year before last, 2019.

I’ve just been reading about some academic research on this topic and it tends to confirm what Gartner found. Weeks and months seem to pass slowly, with hours and minutes being less affected. There’s a plausible explanation for some of this. Our sense of time is structured around memorable events, so without vacations, weddings, graduations and so on, our sense of time is set adrift. If you’re interested, read more here.

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

How to manage customer experience disconnects in your marketing campaigns

Disconnected marketing campaigns are doomed to fail. Here are some ways to identify and address these issues.

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COVID-19 prompts consumers to ask big questions

Marketers must align with the revolutionary changes consumers are undergoing thanks to the pandemic.

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What are the key elements of successful ABM strategies?

The B2B sales process is notorious for its length and the “hiccups” that can occur when it’s time for prospective customers to get internal buy-in. ABM solves this problem by putting the right messages in front of key decision-makers at target accounts. MarTech’s “Account-Based Marketing Tools: A Marketer’s Guide” examines the market for these tools and the considerations involved in implementation. This 46-page report looks at why B2B companies use ABM software and describes the key elements of successful ABM strategies and the capabilities ABM tools provide. It also compares 13 top vendors.

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T-Mobile acquires Octopus Interactive rideshare adtech platform

Adtech evolves in car services like Uber and Lyft as ridesharing rebounds.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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Does your marketing team need an SEO platform?

Before you purchase these essential tools, make sure your organization has the resources, and the right mindset, to practice search engine optimization effectively.

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AGI’s year of digital transformation

How the global food infrastructure giant reinvented itself as a content powerhouse.

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What we’re reading. David Postill, SVP Marketing and CX at global food infrastructure giant AGI (see story above) decided to look back at 2021 rather than forward to 2022. Here are his top five takeaways. We love transformational over transactional relationships.

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