SAS launches tech and talent partnerships to focus on what it does best: data analytics; Equitable tech: Companies pause facial recognition, but major questions remain
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How to manage your unstructured drone-collected data

Drones are excellent for collecting information from above. But finding a way to store that data is more of a challenge.

Additional TechRepublic resources

SAS launches tech and talent partnerships to focus on what it does best: data analytics

Equitable tech: Companies pause facial recognition, but major questions remain

IBM's new Watson Works products use AI to help companies plan when to safely send employees back to the workplace

Software tests are essential in improving quality, but most developers aren't automating them

A COVID-19 data block lets organizations make sense of ever-changing data

Salesforce Research develops COVID-19 search engine

Honeywell claims to surpass IBM with the world's fastest quantum computer

Census tech: How to count every person

OpenAI's commercial release of API raises serious questions about AI misuse

Featured multimedia

Pandemic response policy

The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic beginning in March of 2020 provoked drastic changes in worldwide company operations. This pandemic put many businesses to the test in formulating meaningful strategies for successful operations while protecting their employees from virus exposure. Unfortunately, the pandemic produced a negative impact both via infections/fatalities and impeded economic conditions which compounded the damage toll. The purpose of this pandemic response policy from TechRepublic Premium is to provide procedures for organizations and employees to follow before, during and after pandemics strike. This policy can be customized as needed to fit the needs of your organization.

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A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Microservices: The foundation of tomorrow's enterprise applications

Microservice architecture has the potential to pick up where service-oriented architecture (SOA) left off, making application development faster, more scalable, and more flexible. But as with SOA, some doubt microservices can live up to their promise. We help CIOs sort out the fact from fiction.

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