NWC Update
Network Computing
March 14, 2024
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How to Mitigate Shadow AI Security Risks by Implementing the Right Policies
Security has become even more paramount in every organization with growing popularity in AI created by a new phenomenon of ‘Shadow AI’ applications that need to be vetted against security policies.

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What is Network-as-a-Service (NaaS)? A Complete Guide
Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) offers a flexible, cost-effective, and efficient way for businesses to manage their networking needs. Here is an overview to guide your selection and use of NaaS.
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Now’s the Time to Optimize Cloud Costs: Here’s How
By choosing the right cloud at the right time, adjusting one’s cloud strategy as needed, and factoring in hidden fees, businesses have the best chance at optimizing cloud costs effectively.
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How to Securely Access Customer Networks With BYOC
As the need to manage data privacy, sovereignty, control, and cost grows, more Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) use cases will emerge.
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  • Unleashing AI for cybersecurity: Empowering non-experts to take action

    Whether you're a security engineer, IT professional, or simply someone concerned about protecting your organization's information, this webinar will showcase how AI can transform the way you approach security. Join us to learn how to: Strengthen your defenses Enhance threat ...

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Enterprise Security Gets Personal: Enter the Human Firewall
Rather than focusing on technology, threats, or the security of a site, a human firewall approach seeks to make the end user a full participant in ensuring enterprise security. Read More
Facebook, Instagram Outages a Sign of the Times
In today's tense geopolitical world, the initial thought about the cause of major outages is that they are due to cyberattacks. Fortunately, yesterday’s outages of Meta services appear to be the result of technical problems. Read More
Forget High Availability; Modern Enterprises Need Always-on Services
To ensure their applications are always on, redundant networking connections are critical for businesses that need to avoid downtime and outages. Read More

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