First Ananda Holy Land Pilgrimage: Reflections From Easter Week

by Tyagi Ram, Ananda Village

This Easter week I am reflecting on the life of Jesus Christ and the spiritual alliance he created with our line of gurus from India. It was their mission together to unite East and West  

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There may be a sense of gratitude for the full realization of love, which all too often only comes at the moment of loss. In any case it is a deep feeling, not an emotion, usually best experienced in the solitude of one’s own heart. 

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Nayaswami Maria
Ananda Village
A meaningful story that Paramhansa Yogananda told about the lion who thought he was a sheep, is relevant for all children of the Light.
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Ten Ways to Expand Your Consciousness

by Swami Kriyananda,
excerpted from Material Success Through Yoga Principles

It is quite normal for businessmen and for anyone striving for success in life to feel a need for self-esteem. If however, a person wants true happiness, it is also necessary for him to eliminate any relish in his self-importance. 

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The Yoga Teachings of Jesus

A course enrollment for a lifetime

This course is designed to give you an inspiring and in-depth understanding of Paramhansa Yogananda’s stirring interpretation of Jesus’s teachings.

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Bringing God Into Every Aspect of Our Lives

Sundara Traymar, Ananda Village

No separation need exist between our daily demands and our spiritual priorities. We can make them one, having our spiritual practice through the entirety of our day.

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From Christ Lives: An Oratorio, a composition by Swami Kriyananda that was inspired in the Holy Land, this historic performance by the Ananda World Brotherhood Choir was given in Palo Alto, California.
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