When I was in my late teens I made an unpleasant discovery: I had a fear of banks. In itself this needn’t have been a problem. But my friends and I were traveling in foreign countries, and the checks I carried needed my signature within a bank to be cashed. 

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Love and Relationships

Happiness Now podcast

What is the difference between love, relationships, and friendships? Why did Yogananda call friendship the highest form of relationship? How do you create harmonious, joyful, in-sync relationships?

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by Nayaswami Dharmadevi
Ananda Los Angeles
The feeling of gratitude grew into an immense overflowing of unconditional love in my heart. This was what I had been searching for! It really was a true feeling! And it was possible to experience it without drugs.
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Make your quest for realization dynamic and fun. That's what keeps you going. Spiritual life should be fun. 

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People Are More Important than Things

Nayaswami Dhyana, Ananda India

Think about the whole picture. Think: How can I be supportive? How can I encourage people? How can I give Master's vibration and enthusiasm to other people in what they're doing? In that, Ananda will grow and last.

Watch 31-minute Video
Nayaswami Devi
from the blog: Touch of Peace
A story draws synchronous parallel to an event in the life of Saint Francis, who goes beyond impulse to run from anxiety. Is there anything we couldn't bear?
Watch 5-minute Video

Self-Control and Devotion

Murali Venkatrao, Ananda Washington

Mere self-control brings us a lot of inner energy but needs to expand to be tempered. Devotion without self-control will become outward feelings: emotion. The combination of self-control and devotion is where the magic happens. 

Watch 26-minute Video
What happens when you play a country music song backwards? You get back your truck, your house, your job, your spouse. With what kind of music does your truth resonate?
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