Today's social media gaffe can cause lasting harm | Report: Women's careers at danger point due to pandemic | Why employers are ditching open-office plans
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September 30, 2020
SmartBrief on Your Career
Getting Ahead
As the world reaches the grim milestone of more than 1 million coronavirus fatalities, empathy is a critical skill for pandemic-era leaders -- and the rest of us as well. A lack of empathy is what leads us to dismiss risks and problems we feel only apply to others (like minority communities and the elderly, or in the case of leaders, staff members) as unimportant. Exercises that increase empathy can not only increase your understanding of others' experiences, but help prepare you for future challenges as well.
Full Story: Harvard Business Review online (tiered subscription model) (9/28),  The Atlantic (tiered subscription model) (9/22),  Psychology Today (9/27) 
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There's a difference between declaring your beliefs and being so reckless on social media that you alienate customers, employees and the public -- and harm your employer or business in the process -- writes Inspire PR Group founder Hinda Mitchell. "Any post that at face value is insensitive to a vulnerable population right now or to the public's conflicted feelings about major social issues is an unnecessary and inappropriate risk," she writes.
Full Story: SmartBrief/Leadership (9/29) 
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Report: Women's careers at danger point due to pandemic
One in five working mothers are thinking about leaving their jobs, at least on a temporary basis, compared to 11% of working fathers, according to the "2020 Women in the Workplace" study by Lean In and McKinsey & Company. Some 15% of women say they're considering downshifting their careers and Lean In's Rachel Thomas says the pandemic might take the progress made in gender equality and "wipe it out in a single year."
Full Story: ABC News (9/29),  The Wall Street Journal (tiered subscription model) (9/30) 
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Hire Smart
The open-plan office might become a thing of the past as the pandemic spurs a complete rethink of workplaces and employers move toward greater flexibility, remote working and spaces that afford social-distancing options. Nationwide is introducing temporary "hoteling" workspaces and REI is selling its flagship Seattle headquarters before it's ever been used in favor of flexibility and satellite locations.
Full Story: Human Resource Executive (9/29) 
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The Landscape
Airline employees are making it personal as time runs out for Congress to extend payroll support that would keep them on the job, appearing in media interviews and saying tearful goodbyes to passengers. "There's a lot of innocent people whose lives are being held in the balance and we're all on the precipice right now," said Annette Hala, a United Airlines flight attendant.
Full Story: TravelPulse (9/29),  ABC News (9/30) 
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Employers face "take home" lawsuits amid pandemic
(Pool/Getty Images)
Lawsuits against employers are emerging from employees who claim they contracted the coronavirus at work and brought it home, spreading it to their families. The cases follow precedents set by "take home" asbestos suits, and risk analysis firm Praedicat estimates that if US deaths during the pandemic reach 300,000, the cost of such lawsuits could be up to $21 billion.
Full Story: Reuters (9/28) 
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The field of nonprofit management can be rewarding as well as challenging. The pandemic made it more so.When coronavirus began its merciless assault, the most vulnerable among us were impacted first and hardest. So were those who work so hard to serve them. For the good people at the nonprofit WISEPlace, it posed an especially daunting set of challenges in an already embattled sector. Read more.

The Water Cooler
Airbnb improves its field trip offerings
Pompeii (Tiziana Fabi/Getty Images)
Most people associate Airbnb with traveling and booking accommodation, but the site has long allowed users to book experiences. Airbnb has now upped its game when it comes to virtual Field Trips. There is a cost associated with most of these experiences, but some of them seem like a great deal (A one-hour walking tour of Pompeii with an archaeologist for $18 ain't bad). The Bill Nye Field Trip is already sold out, but don't be surprised of Airbnb offers another one.
Full Story: Airbnb (9/29) 
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Ava DuVernay,
director, producer, screenwriter
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